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Can you or anybody who knows this quickly explain what the SDK actually is and/or what its relationship is to the code and mod developing/licensing? Or how this whole project actually works?You have to remember that the mods were created prior to there being a GPL'd version of the code. Before the whole lot was GPL'd, the SDK was released as a cut down version of the code to allow mods to be created.
How does the SDK factor into this? How is it licensed?Tightly, and this is part of the problem. The SDK licence is deliberately tight, so that the source-code release along with Q3 cannot be used for example, to help someone write a Q3-clone, or to make mods for the Q3 demo, etc. The licence terms of the SDK licence are such that they're not compatible with the GPL, so you cannot just mix Q3 SDK source code with Q3 GPL source code.
apparently, mods do also not actually modify the client binary, they ship with some other kind of thing that contains the information how they run. Is this where the QVM comes in? Does this have anything to do with a Virtual Machine?This detail isn't actually important to the topic, but yes, Q3 runs the game, cgame ("client game") and UI modules all in a "virtual machine". The compiler tools for Q3 generate byte-code for a JC created "virtual cpu" which the engine knows how to execute. This allows a mod to work across linux/mac/windows, and resolves potential security issues around downloading mods. Logcally QVM's are really just dynamically loaded libraries (DLLs) though, and both Q2 and Q4 use normal DLLs instead of a QVM concept.
could you please open the sources of CPMA to the publicWe can't. I do wish this whole license stuff got sorted out, but that's been dead for a long time now.
so that the new generation can continue the monumental work of yours?Work on CPMA is in progress. The first new release will focus on bug fixes and other quality of life improvements to get things going.