n+1 (anything you can think of) things not done although the deadline was Christmas or end of the year.
The only thing shown was the kind of almost ready map editor and that's basically the only thing that has actually been worked on from what I understood.
Will be released in 2017, what exactly and to what audience was not specified.
Some things (weapons) might be ready in 3-4 months, duel might be done in 4 months and it will be the main e-sports direction for the game as well.
2GD is also creating some new team play mod, no details though.
Promises made pertaining to at least monthly updates come 2017. "See you in January" was thrown out multiple times.
Edited by MailmanMel at 06:07 CST, 30 December 2016
If you have duel you can have anything else with a few clicks of a button - add 2 player and you have 2v2, add 6 players and you have 4v4TDM, add a flag and you have 1 flag CTF, add 2 flags and you have regular CTF, almost endless possibilities. It does not work the other way around however. You cannot get functioning duel that easily from X-gamemode where player 1 has 5x more health than player 2, but player 2 can fly and move 4 times faster.
I don't know about TDM but imo the absence of the /kill mechanic in CTF (id's fault) and the introduction of 4v4 instead of 5v5 killed CTF.
Which is prolly why tdmpickup and tdm in general (I feel) has been more active in the dying years than its CTF counterparts.
Having been one of the last few dozens veterans remaining at Q3CTF (namely spontanctf) I can tell QLCTF and its new rules had me bored out pretty fast....
EDIT: oh and the absence of the threewaves maps ofcourse... Same can be said of TDM but atleast TDM has had quite a few remarkable new maps in comparison to the new ctf ones (siberia, ironworks... Ironworks which basically forced the meta to go full 4v4 cuz the map is way too small...)
/kill has been available for YEARS now. if you want to blame someone, blame server spawners and recently server admins for not turning it on.
QLCTF didn't die because of 4v4 or lack of kill. It had no new maps for years. The predominant OSP community that inhabited ctf scene lobbied for 3w maps like it's the saving grace of Quake. In reality, out those maps there's only 2 good maps for QL and that's japan & spider. Rest of 3w pack is absolute shit when it comes to QL and 4v4. My guess is that ospers pushed for old maps because they wouldn't need to invest time to learn the new maps and get good at them.
The odd new maps that managed to get released while id was still controlling the content that goes in and out of map pool were shit, and even worse, they got released at the slowest pace possible.
Last, and not the least, ctf community is the worst bunch of fucktards, autists and trolls I've ever witnessed, myself included.
Be honest vid, the QL hype was years over when the kill command finally came and by that time the new ctf rules were so deeply accepted as the standard that it never made a reappearance in any way. Anyway, it was too late. Point remains.
As for your second point, I have stated in my previous post the maps issue so no problem there. And as I can see we both see the same problem as to why qlctf died only in a somewhat different manner. I think QL beeing FORCED into 4v4 for a lack of suitable maps (3w had many proven excellent maps for 5v5 and EVEN 4V4 (go check the summer cups which had other maps and were fun aswell)) is the reason QL failed and your point is that 4v4ctf that was PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED PRECISELY BECAUSE OF A LACK OF GOOD 5V5MAPS didn't work because ID only introduced 3w maps, and 5v5 maps at that.
tl;dr we're both blaming id for forcing ctf into a situation where the community HAD to use 4v4 format AND wanted 3W maps. Only id failed because when they finally introduced 3w maps it was either too late or for the most part not suited for 4v4 teamplay which was by then the established gamemode. And yes, the community is cancer.
And considering the major loss of playerbase in the meantime CTF scene couldn't afford to have teams go 5v5. As I said, too little too late...
Small changes are small changes. How did the team games got killed exactly? Was it that people did not want to play them or were there some deep flaws in the game modes themselves (I don't mean mg did 6 damage instead of 5 or smth)
1v1 mechanics is fundamental.
Like I said ... you can turn 1v1 into any mode you want because you have a base upon which to build, it sets the stage for what is norm and what is balanced. That does not work the other way around, if from the get go you have n+1 "heroes" all with different abilities and hit points you can never get a common ground between them, hence no 1v1 at all.
WC3 had great 1v1 that worked and still does, but you could add whatever maps and change pretty much anything. Eventually dota was born .,, which lead to others like LoL,, Smite, HotS and tens of others. The latter cannot be turned into balanced duel games though.
p.s, WC3 has given out the most price money in e-sports this year, almost 2 times more than QL managed to get during the whole of 2016
e.g. CSGO and all of the CS games are completely unfitted for 1v1... I don't know about cod, halo and those kinda games cuz I never played those games but I bet it also applies. So I tend to agree with you...
Actually CS can be a used for 1v1 proposes because all players are equal at the beginning - 100 health, pistol, knife, no armour. I have even seen this employed as a means by which new members to teams have been chosen (1v1 de_aztec, deagle and AK only or something)
Set the conditions that both can pick up armour for the max of 100 and n+1 weapons and they are still equal, if the have equal opportunities to gain said armour and weapons at the start.
This is something you can never do in Overwatch or TF2 or dota, because the basis is that players are not equal, the health difference is double or triple, some can fly some are invisible by default.
I've played some csgo 1v1's and altough I was pretty consistently going on top because of hitting the head first it still didn't feel anything close to how any quake duel would feel like. Even what you're describing is far different from an arena fps duel.
I mean I might not understand what it is you mean but you can full luck olof beeing a newb and win a round of 1v1, this won't ever happen in a quake-like fps. Newb dies. End of discussion.
To play devil's advocate, there are probably ways to design the game that make it a good duel game, and ways to design the game to make it a good team game. Some of these are contradictory, you can't have both unless you introduce different rulesets/weapon balances for different game modes. Like, there are probably gameplay reasons why vq3/ql/cpm are considered to be better for duel and QW is considered better for TDM.
But to be fair, it does seem like the effort that has been put into the project and the content already demonstrated is far beyond what would otherwise qualify as vapourware. Hence I either call troll, moron or maybe both.
Diabotical has not had a lot of money put into it though. It has been under development for some time, but longer in just concept before it actually was started.
2GD had mentioned that they have received the kickstarter money in december and this was not calculated if i have this understand correctly.
So, many workdays without earning any money and putting own money into it instead. As we know, this is no problem at all, because kickstarter is not a scam and it is just a matter of time at the end. I think we will see a lot of progress in the next months.
Yes that is my point. It is kinda ridiculous actually believe it to be scam after all the time, effort and money out of their own pockets.
My guess is that superficial conclusions of such must be based on a lacking insight to begin with. This has a certain irony considering the tone of conviction they are usually uttered with.
imo the dev team's too small for this game to come out as a complete product in this coming year. I see he keeps stretching the deadlines but it's not unrealistic to see that happening with so few people working on the gaym[b][/b]
I didnt watch it but he shou.d put in a part where its like you are flying aroudn in a nare i airplaen, H you ever been paing qauke and wished you were flying in an airplane?
Is it prediabotis or full blown diabotis? Type 1 or 2? You take shots for type 2 diabotis to control your 2gd blood insulin. Diabotis is hard to control if you are smoker, drink alcohol and do not get regular exercise. See a doctor yakumo if you have any questions or concerns over the development of quack diabotis disease.
I really bloody hope Diabotical and or Quake Champions (so very skeptical of QC still) will be the next AFPS that doesn't compromise too much and to a greater extent will finally end the divide... If not gaming is dead and we all may aswell sell our rigs to 14 year old cod players.