March 5th at
14:00 CDT talented artist
S°I will host his second tournament in the
Bunny Cup series, this time it's a 2v2 cup. Teams and Solo players may sign-up.
- Double Elim
- WB Bo3
- LB Bo1
- Final 2x Bo3 if needed
Ironguard, Thermal Blast, Phobos, Kronos, Velocity Curve.
Teams will use '/roll 100' in console, highest number is declared the winner.
Bo3: (L)Drop | (W)Drop | (L)Pick | (W)Pick
Bo1: (W) Drop | (L)Drop |(W)Drop | (L) Drop
2x Bo3: (LB) Drop | (WB)Drop | (WB) Pick | (LB)Pick
Please provide us with two points of contact so we may reach you before and during the cup. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Join Discord or add S°I on steam.
Competitive ruleset will be used for this cup, utilizing any other ruleset will disqualify both teams.
Be autonomous, contact your opponents, play your match, report the score to discord or admins.
Tardiness will lead to potential disqualification, make sure to show up to your match within 10 minutes of match announcement.
Unsporting behavior (excessive trash talk, rage quit, grieving) will disqualify you.
$250 USD
50% $62.5 per player
30% $37.5 per player
20% $25 per player

Links: Full info,
Reflex Arena,
Edited by CrazyAl at 14:11 CST, 17 February 2017 - 6723 Hits