Let's just hope that's some ultra low quality setting they are using in that ingame screenshot, because ut2k4 looks better than that imo. Also that mega looks like a blue raccoons head that reminds me of some cartoon.
This could all be good or bad, like a picmip option in full effect. But I seriously doubt that.
I hope the Mega-Health works just like in Quake 2, it gives you 100 health but will spawn after 20 seconds from the moment your health reachs 100 or below, that will make the battle for MH more tactical and crucial.
That thing in painkiller? Yeah!
That lookalike in QC? Yeah, it's actually in the footage from last summer, in fact that shot OP linked two with the SG MH item is in there:
This looks like some anti-tank hedgehog. Vehicles confirmed?
Anyway, here is my part of ESR Hate and Negativity™:
I am not mad at SyncError's arguments: even the serial killers have lawyers who have to defend them. But just as no lawyer's speech can undo the killing, even hundreds of valid and logical arguments by sync&sponge for this design won't change the fact that it's a totally shitty looking item that shouldn't look like that at all. My advice for id: instead of inventing arguments for shit, try producing some non-shit.