Yea, so I'm getting back into quake right..after a few weeks of playing, the obsession comes back and realized I needed a 144hz lcd monitor..Not for work, not to improve my life, but for quake. So I picked up a 144hz monitor..things are good, aim is less shit than before, enemies are fluid, or so I thought. Thru sheer boredom I came across Rocket Jump Ninja's youtube channel and realized "damn, there's a shit ton of new mice out there." I bought five. The new logitech G Pro, g403, zowie za13, ec2a, and a deathadder chroma. I'm currently using a wmo, before that a mx500 that's barely together. (new wmo's are easier to come by, newer mx series mice cost up to $150)
First mouse I tried was the g403 wired, and wireless. Great, the shape feels aight, got one with a rattle, shit. The lift distance is ass, I like to "sketch" with my wmo, meaning quick flicky type movements to turn and what not, but that can be adjusted.
Of course my motherboard has 17 or so USB ports, so I was able to keep the WMO connected. After aiming at bots getting a feel for the mouse, I then switched real quick to the wmo..instantly to me, the wmo felt faster in terms of *latency* even at 125hz polling. It just felt more "connected" with less ms of input lag. On paper it shouldn't 125hz vs 500+hz polling
The WMO isn't perfect though, and I'm not sure if this is from polling or what, but the game seemed a lot smoother on the g403..When I slowly glide my wmo, making a long turning motion, things get really blurry. Now I tried to hack my usb to get more than 125hz, and failed, so I can't say for sure that the 125hz polling rate is causing the "blurring".
I then tried the other mice, and had similar results. They simply felt laggier. The zowie mice though had good lift off distance if you will, so they're easier for me to use than the new logi mice. The deathadder chroma was a little much with it's size, and grip tape on the sides. Anyway I'd like to hear your thoughts. I even had the mx500 connected, and it felt like it had better input lag than the newer mice as well.
First mouse I tried was the g403 wired, and wireless. Great, the shape feels aight, got one with a rattle, shit. The lift distance is ass, I like to "sketch" with my wmo, meaning quick flicky type movements to turn and what not, but that can be adjusted.
Of course my motherboard has 17 or so USB ports, so I was able to keep the WMO connected. After aiming at bots getting a feel for the mouse, I then switched real quick to the wmo..instantly to me, the wmo felt faster in terms of *latency* even at 125hz polling. It just felt more "connected" with less ms of input lag. On paper it shouldn't 125hz vs 500+hz polling
The WMO isn't perfect though, and I'm not sure if this is from polling or what, but the game seemed a lot smoother on the g403..When I slowly glide my wmo, making a long turning motion, things get really blurry. Now I tried to hack my usb to get more than 125hz, and failed, so I can't say for sure that the 125hz polling rate is causing the "blurring".
I then tried the other mice, and had similar results. They simply felt laggier. The zowie mice though had good lift off distance if you will, so they're easier for me to use than the new logi mice. The deathadder chroma was a little much with it's size, and grip tape on the sides. Anyway I'd like to hear your thoughts. I even had the mx500 connected, and it felt like it had better input lag than the newer mice as well.
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