In 200x Quake was best 1x1 shooter and we all know why. I can easily explain why Quake > CS. Because duel, control, nice to spec.(in details)
But now, Tim Willits want to shock players from Overwatch, not old quakers.
And overcoming myself, i got some info about Overwatch heroes. And compare to Quake Champions.
I noticed:
That in Overwatch 4 classes:
1 Storm
2 Protection
3 Tank
4 Support
In Quake Champions 1 class.
In Overwatch 24 heroes against 12 in Quake Champions
In Overwatch every hero has about 3-4 abilities against 2 in Quake Champions
In Overwatch every hero has own gun and seeming .More guns than in Quake Champions
It ssems like Overwatch teamplay more structural(classes). One class depends from others etc.
Heroes more creative. And 24 heroes against 12. I saw on stream that one hero flying like bumblebee. (But no flying in QC)
Also i noticed that Tim Willits steal some abilities from Overwatch =(.
From me only one plus to QC - this is graphics. Too much effects in Overwatch, they fuck your eyes.
I'm amazed at what this bald old man does with the franchise.
May be you add your comments and compare this Team games more.
But now, Tim Willits want to shock players from Overwatch, not old quakers.
And overcoming myself, i got some info about Overwatch heroes. And compare to Quake Champions.
I noticed:
That in Overwatch 4 classes:
1 Storm
2 Protection
3 Tank
4 Support
In Quake Champions 1 class.
In Overwatch 24 heroes against 12 in Quake Champions
In Overwatch every hero has about 3-4 abilities against 2 in Quake Champions
In Overwatch every hero has own gun and seeming .More guns than in Quake Champions
It ssems like Overwatch teamplay more structural(classes). One class depends from others etc.
Heroes more creative. And 24 heroes against 12. I saw on stream that one hero flying like bumblebee. (But no flying in QC)
Also i noticed that Tim Willits steal some abilities from Overwatch =(.
From me only one plus to QC - this is graphics. Too much effects in Overwatch, they fuck your eyes.
I'm amazed at what this bald old man does with the franchise.
May be you add your comments and compare this Team games more.
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