The signups of Quake Live TDM 4v4 Spring Season 2017 have been closed. Here are the draft groups. Division 1 will play Sundays 21:00 CEST, Division 2 will play Mondays 21:00 CEST and Division 3 plays Tuesdays 21:00 CEST. The Spring Season will start Sunday 9th of April.
I can't write a script, but I've actually done that manually already: for all players and for 4 top (high ranked) players in a team, if a team has more than 4 (i.e. 5-6) players in it.
its right though, double checked.
Thet just don't play eu pickups mostly and didn't play against strong teams in pcw, so their rating is a bit unfair (too high).
After thinking about the format we decided to go with only 1 game and not 2 like home/away. QC beta is around which might be a problem and also with 1 game we are already looking to run into June with the usual delay of matches and the catchuprounds to be played after the regular season.
they are the weakest of all div1 teams and probably top3 material in div2 alongside with "SQUAD", "Pandæmonium" and "unnamedteam" (no offense to others). dunno why you're not sure about div2 pick.
plus, no new team should be considered for div1 unless it consist of well known veterans or skilled tdm players for that matter. 'hey' not only new team but got 2 guys who are new to tdm (real_grubby / n0tnice).
i think even rekt*, as they were just assembled, played div2 to place first and deserve a spot in div1 for next season rightfully
you know, every hoq season there are cases like this, and every time it's a shit show of people who are too concerned about not winning in a whole picture being too voicy that they have a favorite(s) in their div, that per their understanding this favorite team does not belong in _their_ division.
world is not perfect and this league does not have 4 divisions to put your team in 3rd and 'hey' in 2nd.
please consider that even without hey - you most likely wont place 1st in your division. so pretty please, try to enjoy playing the fucking game and stop being concerned about winning so god damn much, and either try to use your words forbetterarguments or try to put some class in your butthurt nature if you want to be vocal about it
That is - statistics and facts (pcw results and elo ratings) are irrelative and taken out of context, and your mere guff contrariwise makes a lot of sense?
Okay, I got u, mate, no more questions )))
top 3 wuuuut? what team from div2 pool can take a win from them, lol?
Just hilarious )) it's gonna be a walkover if they play in their top squad.
And they are pretty much able to upset several div1 teams, such as b52, falafel kings etc.
They have already done that in pcw.
if they can manage to make even games with b52 which is fucking hell of a great team, they can also be a danger for other div1 teams. Do you wanna see them rekt div2 teams easily or do you wanna see them fighting with div1 teams to prove their greatness? I'd say div1, lets see what they got, don't make it easy for them in div2.
requesting show match of hey vs your team to be streamed to know if you're not div1 material as well :D although, i wont be surprised based on your comment that you would plan to play to lose in it just to prove your point (that being said based on a fact that you have headz in your squad :D)
you dont need to put some 'dark horse' in the top bracket to 'see what they got'. unless you're blind.
what greatness you're talking about? cases of winning some games versus b52? maybe because they are actually trying to improve and play better opponents instead of giving up before the league even started they have some cases of success or positive result?
and since you are completely basing your arguments on practice games:
what about other games vs other current div1 teams where they probably lost every single one of them, even in mercy[1]?
what about times when they played current div2 team and almost won/lost vs them[2]?
where is any evidence in all that, that those mentioned opponents of theirs were playing seriously in those practice games[3]?
im sure if you dig a little deeper in qlstats - you will able to prove all those questions to be legit as well (even with your flaw 'pcw victory = greatness' logic); edit: which i did for you, facts' enthusiasts:
[3] "hmm, fake and leaving during the game? must be serious pcw game" (credits to k1lljoy for this one, as it taken out of his "argument" above)
inb4 k1lljoy dropping bunch of other "facts" that prove how mighty "hey" are
Well, if u don't follow TDM scene (and probably don't have ql installed even), but that "not mighty team" took 2nd place in div1 last season, so try harder, man, write more huge meaningless comments, which are 'irrelative and out of context' xD
Mb some1 will eventually even read it (no).
the only one who is trying to prove "their greatness" is you and perhaps k1lljoy, and that's only because you don't wanna have additional challenge in your division (and for me it's practically calling your own teams weak).
plus, you do not put a fresh team in div1 to prove something. you do that to discourage them from playing tdm apparently
My "no one cares Your kartoshka" opinion: team 'hey' is 1,5 Division as antonio_by's mentioned. They will win Division 2 with their strong lineup (421, real_grubby, om3n and Alostraz) as Team C&S will win Division 3 in fast all mercy matches.
Nah, there are at least 2 (and mb even more) strong teams in div3, so there might be an intrigue actually - Platige, Cats&Slipper and, for example, #gafb may also make an upset if the stars align and so on )
people are seriously need to take a chill pill and remind themselves that it's just a freaking game.
and also: to start enjoying the game for its process and not only positive outcome (aka win)
well you won a last div3, right? and seem to be one of the "facts' enthusiasts"? was there a team in past of hoq leagues that played throughout the league and was 0:2 in every of their match? and which regardless of the outcome did not dropped from the league and actually tried to enjoy themselves and play each of their games and perhaps improve upon them? [tip my hat to them here]
the point being: playing against stronger opponent gotta be treated with a bit of a privilege if you're not a selfish prick, and you gotta earn that chance/privilege in a tournament or league. as every low/mid skill player playing 125fps, is earning his chance to make it to the quarter final and lose 0:2 to evil or agent. or in tdm: as you had to earn your chance to play in div2 after winning div3, or as rekt/worldstar had to earn their chances to play in div1 after winning div2
but this is not the case for you is it? this examples of getting rekt in every game they play? there are 6 teams in a second division excluding yours and your concern that you will only for sure lose against only 1 out of them? so out of potential 24 maps that you gonna play [6 opponents, bo3, home/away system], all your energy and stupidity displayed in this thread is all about only 4 out of those 24 maps that you plan to lose already? vs that one "imba" team in your division?
let's use simple calculus:
say "hey" will be placed in div2 and your team (or any other that is approaching head admin directly or indirectly in this thread creating shit show, like you do, to change his mind (which is fucking low already, if you ask me)) is willing to give up and throw a white flag against them. if so, then how many unpleasant "getting rekt" moments (that we're all trying to avoid here) will be placed upon your shoulders? as i said: potentially 4/24 games. that being said and applied to each team in div2 that you speak on behalf of here that are giving up before the game even started.
say "hey" will be placed in div1. yes, they had a couple of close games vs b52 where they won by little margin and more games where they lost by probably even bigger one. not to mention mercy limit losses vs "Q?". do you honestly think they will receive a lesser amount of unpleasant for all of you, soft princesses, "rekt moments" than all of teams in div2 that plan or foresee being stomped by them?
for me this fresh team does not deserve to be in div1 much more than it might not deserve to be in div2 and win it with "ease"
im sorry for "soft princess" and all other words i cant refrain myself from using towards you, because tbh it's hard to not pity you in this discussion.., at least for your way of handling an argument.
also, i hope you do realize why what you or any other person trying to change admin's mind do is low?
not only only you were asked and approached by admin BEFORE assignation happened and raised your concern, but now, AFTER decision was made to put "hey" in div2, you are still being vocal? you had your chance to speak, you used it, you've been heard, your concerns were taken into account while making the decision. admin decides against your will and what you do?
1. do not respect an admin or his decision
2. stir the shit
3. try to change his mind
if admin wasn't softhearted he wouldn't be in doubt now. and if he was also strict, he would probably save you the courtesy of looking like a moron now by dropping you from the league if you do not agree with rules being applied in it (which is always an option for everyone, even you, you know, to simply walk away)
Maybe someone wants to write a script to get the average elos of the teams.
b52: HiRi_, Prestij, Troolz, evt, cherepoff, lethiferous
Falafel Kings: un4x, hodenmann, smurfy, trippy, noobakillah
KogdaKvad: pecka, antonio_by, d1z, hattifnattar, YegorB
lastpick: bab, bl4jnd, fresARN, proZaC, stickan, dibbe
rekt: rehepapp, khan, gienon, brescia, h8m3, Xron
Team Hungary: dash, feeder, s7ry, Wood
Worldstar: R1EPA, Ant3stor, GaRpY, 4by55, Luminus
hey: omen, 421, femme_fatale, real_grubby, Alostraz, N0tnice
I Love My Squad: Osnart, snaga, Eteto, JunkZ, pipeline
Pandæmonium: headz, Drayan, Freiya, dehumanizer, haz_mat, XPEHOPE3
Quake Brothers: lostcost, inz_, andjey, kke, qbn1, s0da
Raks: 170bpm, Kalter, KindDevil, ratu, Dmkn, Mureau
unnamedteam: oldsplatterhand, chubz, ani, t.krr, kane, drki
Zombei: deimos_, EricCartmenez, Play_ua, k1lljoy, furti_ve, Laskiy
Anchors: maf, Gibi, kartman, creator, nxsofsys, KuleshoV
Assassin Conspiracy: Eltonr98, mapamapa, ahle, Yūko, dazz
Catz&Slippers: Fliperrr, 8Myp3uk, trancer, koshmare, shinobbi, axEy
get armor frag bitches: aesick, tKy, pebben, saka1, dnf_nocturne
OverPowered: Skillz, NotueRn, jugg1s, Grels
Placebo Effect: Prophy, lo2dk, veRRo, chaaron, SouJirO, qoyote
Platige Team: kosq3, spooky, SSRI, cream, zeal_x, r1bo
Virtual Owners: Ewil, dzouKi, Dloobiq, brajente