Event: 125 FPS

Schedule: Passed
The 125 FPS QuakeLive Duel Duel Season#35 Final (March-Apr 2017), will take place this weekend.
29 Apr 18:00MSK (17:00 CEST) - Group Stage, 2 groups (8 pla
=10:00 CDT Group A:

~11:30 CDT Group B:

30 Apr 18:00 MSK (17:00 CEST) - top4 final playoff
Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/season35final
When: 29-30 Apr 2017, 10:00 CDT (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: Sinister, Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Cure, LostWorld,Bloodrun and Silence
Mapchoice - for groups stage BO3 + + - - - - + ; for playoff BO5 + + - - + + + ; for final BO7 (looser picks next map)
PrizePool: 17K RUB (1st 8000rub, 2nd 4000rub, 3-4th 1500rub*1+500rub*4)
Donate: 125FPS Donate li

Edited by Nico_QD at 11:29 CDT, 1 May 2017 - 34340 Hits