The active abilities of the champions don’t fundamentally change the way you play the game. Like, other hero shooters, for lack of a better description, picking a champion significantly changes the way you play.
is literally the first thing i read when i opened the page wtf
You think playing Reinhardt vs playing Tracer in Overwatch is similar in any way? You think anyone will ever say something along the lines of "I play Ranger in QC cause i suck with Visor"? That's hilarious.
Cause playing whoever is QC is pretty much the same thing besides the fact that they can press one button every now and then after cooldown, and that button will rarely ever turn the game around by itself.
People should stop obsessing over the whole champions thing, it's just stupid.
Champions abilities is like new guns in game,or like new instruments in your hands. You not want new guns? Not wont to develop your new skills? No want to see how pro implements champions abilities?
Look, I am trying to be positive over this whole thing and I am happy for anyone who has a positive attitude towards champions, but I refuse to be brainwashed by Tim Donuts propaganda like you.
Champions have significantly different speed, maximum speed cap, health, hit-box size and on top of that wildly different abilities in mechanics.
No, its FAR from just pressing one button every now and then. How can seeing through walls, becoming invisible, teleporting rarely turn the game around? Or being slow as fuck and having a larger hit-box on top of that not make you a big, fat and an easy target? Or simply having 50% more health than someone else? How does that not change things?
The only way the champions would truly benefit for Quake would be if they wouldn't be so radically different, smaller differences between them would be a hell of a lot better and maybe then your argument wouldn't be full of shit. You also take 2 champions which abilities are solely focused on the manipulation and awareness of positioning, I bet there are going to be very many players who won't have the brain capacity to use such abilities to the full extent and rather play some overweight blob that simply provides a high probability, kill, execution ability.
I'm brainwashed cause I'm not an emo wannabe elitist? My 10 years of playing the game together with 2 years of quake2 pretty much put me at a place where I don't give a fuck about most of the kids who jumped on the bandwagon way too late and missed the glory days of quake. Scraping the bottom of the barrel is not my thing. I mean, I'm happy if anyone still enjoys quake as it is.
I played the beta for 2 waves now and the game is fun as fuck. It's not perfect but it feels pretty good.
The fact is that most of you people feel left out of your little comfort zone upon realizing that your previous years of quake don't automatically mean you pick up exactly where you left off as soon as the new game is out. Why would you? Why wouldn't the rocket launcher be delayed? Why would all champions have the exact same health and speed? Why wouldn't there be active abilities? Because people are not used to it? Does it bother you on an emotional level? You can be painfully average in the new game and try to learn how it works now, or just don't man up and continue doing the same thing forever, it's not like anyone is forcing anyone to do anything. Even Quake3 is still out there to play. No one even knows how this game will play out competitively.
When Quakelive was announced people were way more furious with it than over QC, and kept bitching over the dumbest shit ever. And the game was basically a copy pasted Quake3 with a slightly different view angle. Didn't stop them.
Tim Willits: No, not really. We’ve gotten much smarter on game design. Back in the day, we were just like, shooting from the hip, ‘Let’s make a game. Woohoo!’ Nowadays, we actually have much more of a process in place. We have a usability lab, we’ve already gone out and worked with pro players and played the game.
inspiration and usability testing aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. there's a place for shooting from the hip, and a place for testing, especially in a popular commercial title like id seems to be going for with QC.
hopefully they strike the right balance. i do know that mods were the source of any sustained success for quake games, which served more as platforms than as grand titles that stood on their own, but i think that game development is so accessible now that creating an engine with modding in mind is almost a waste of development.
if id gets the "processing" right, they'll definitely get a big chance in the current competitive FPS gaming environment. i think there's enough inspiration from guys like syncerror and zero4 to cover the personality side of quake.