Scheduled: 10:30 CDT, 8 May 2017 to 11:40 CDT, 14 May 2017Schedule: Passed
ESL is running
Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha Duel League! It started with open qualification cups, where top pla
yers qualified to the groupstage. The league is ba
sed in Europe, where best 8 pla
yers are playing in order to qualify to playoffs. Two groups are made of 4 pla
yers, where top 2 pla
yers from each group will qualify for finals.
UT Pre-Alpha 1on1 Spring League 2017 Europe
Some matches were already played. You can check VoDs of qualifications and groupstage matches on YouTube.
Upcoming matches:
8th May 2017 - Monday
19:30 CEST znatch vs reav
20:20 CEST rePete vs kiNEX
21:10 CEST rePete vs sulaco
11th May 2017 - Thursday
19:30 CEST Szarkan vs reav
20:20 CEST znatch vs Szarkan
21:10 CEST sulaco vs kiNEX
14th May 2017 - Sunday
17:00 CEST sulaco vs ACo-
17:50 CEST rePete vs ACo-
18:40 CEST kiNEX vs ACo-
Map picking: VETO
Map pool: DM-ASDF, DM-DeckTest, DM-Echo, DM-Erase, DM-Lea, DM-Protracted, DM-Pure, DM-Sempiternal, DM-Solo and DM-Coma
Mode: Best of 5
Settings: Timelimit 10 minutes, WeaponStay: Off, ForceRespawn: On
Winner of playoffs wins Unreal Tournament Swag Package from Epic Games, ESL prizes like ESL premium and ESL profile awarard and 100€ worth of gaming equipement of choice
All matches will be covered by
Zaccubus and
frag^m so expect some quality coverage.
Zaccubus Stream
mouz|frag^m Stream
ESL Announcmeent,
UT Pre-Alpha download,
League Rankings,
League Results & Schedule,