It's pretty hard to hit anything consistently with the inherent delay on first fire and stuttering client/enemies. The game is going to be completely different once they address that, balance is literally pointless until then.
Anyway LG is 30%, Starting MG is 30%, MG is 24%. Rail is a miserable 45% too.
But what nvc said.
Y'all warpy Anarkis.
Don't have the greatest framerate, mouse doesn't quite keep up at all times.
Dunno if these stats reset since bugged Galena?
So difficult to be stable when all the knockback is so rubberbandy even on what should be ok pings. I think half my play time is on US servers because it hardly makes any difference and americans are more fun.
And other excuses to distract you from the fact that I suck and that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.