I would have won at least 2-3 qcon if i didnt follow your advices, starting years ago with 23cm/360 best sens in the human history!!!1!!1!, then 11.x, 15.x, now 14.4
He4rTL3sS, somewhat miffed at vegans and meaters stealing his thunder (struck), warms up for his next Gilgafrench epic thread with some mouse-settings foreplay.
I keep seeing it on latest forum threads, but I also keep ignoring it
edit: even though I am desperate for some new content, but can't imagine how such a thread can deliver even the slightest of entertainment, unless Jamerio hijacks it maybe...
As someone who doesn't speak italian: It even kinda sounded like it when reading the subtitles. Pretty weird. Would've never made this connection otherwiese.
What I'd like to know is, am I the only guy who enjoys touching nipple tips with my woman's nipple tips and then press? Seriously, is that weird or normal?