In the latest dev stream they had some comments about plans for CA and CTF. We've been loud and clear about CTF, so I figured why not have a poll about how we feel about CA :)
Edited by son1dow at 16:17 CST, 18 November 2017 - 92785 Hits
.... what if, you would think this thru a little bit more, since the whole point is to bring CTF in/faster. Yet no ctf options in your poll, none, njente, nada, nema. .... i mean cmon. ... so vocal against CA, he forgot to add ctf before CA.
I was under the impression the wish for CTF was quite universal and nobody really doubted it, so what's the point of that....
I pondered adding instagib or freezetag, however it would be clunky to add and less would vote on it. But seriously, who in their right mind doesn't agree we need CTF :)
i think there are few people who dont want ctf in qc, but there are a lot of people who do not care either way. havent played ctf in the last 10 years of playing quake games, i doubt that qc ctf will change that
I would rather have bots or at least a training map with moving targets to test stuff in. I think it would be good for new players as well to be able to test weapons, abilities and movement without having to worry about competing with other players.
When I'm trying new characters, I feel like the last 10 seconds of warmup, when you cant use weapons, are the most important of the game. This is when you can try new jumps ect...
Clan Arena is the only way to play high player count matches
16v16 makes it much easier to ELO balance teams
Clan Arena is also an important mode for training because you don't have to search for weapons, you can always pick the right weapon for the situation
Most casuals will never move beyond CA into the real game but that's OK - it's like BGH was back in the Starcraft days, something everyone can pick up and play and feel slightly useful no matter how bad you are, and if you get really good maybe you move on to duel and other modes, most people never will, but the mode is popular enough it keeps bringing new blood in
The fact that CA wasn't the highest priority when it the game launched just goes to show that id has their head in the sand and has no clue what modes the average person who plays Quake have actually been playing for the past decade
And Epic made the same mistake when they started UT4
+ it's easy to spectate/follow, and noobs can Watch how people are playing when they are dead.
It's also a mode where people actually talk/write to each other when they are dead, and that's actually something quite important. Because at the moment you kinda feel alone in QC when you dont have friends playing it.
This also 100%. Even Quake fans shoot themselves in their stupid fucking feet by going on the 'LOLCA' rollercoaster. Anyone who actually KNOWS the history of Quake and what kept it afloat all of these years will know that RA3 kept Quake going - why? Because it allowed 'newbies' to enjoy the game, get better, and then progress to CTF, TDM, Duel. Without RA3 a LOT of players would never have emerged, the game would have died so much earlier. Lets face it, only the noobest of noobs played FFA all of the time, it was basically the dung flinging assbergers arena. RA3 was actually a step up on that, it created a massive community across Europe, leagues and tournaments. This is the kind of entry level, enjoyable mod QC needed. But the hardcore Quake players actually did effect ID - ID actually listened to Quake players, and guess what? They ended up being misinformed by fucking stuck-up-their-own-ass idiots.
Certainly 32 players wouldn't fit in any QC map. 6v6 would be stretching it.
TBH, what they should do is to just revive Rocket Arena. Multiple maps inside one server, so that there's actually 32 players in one server. Makes matchmaking soooo much faster, and in RA there's no need to go back to searching for another server all day long.
Actually, in RA there's no need for even intermission screens. Right now in QC it takes a whole two minutes of waiting time from match to match, when in previous Quakes it was at most 20 seconds.
I dont understand why people even vote no? I mean, no one forces you to play it so why the fuck do you give a shit? Or do you just vote no because there is no CTF yet?
you mean just like no one forces me to play CA in ql? because nowadays if i want to play some quake i have no choice, i can either join a CA server or sometimes you find a ffa/ca hybrid.
if they add CA alot of players will just play CA because its more convinient for then, and then the ctf and tdm people can either wait even longer to find a game, or join a populated CA server.
but i dont care either way because im not playing this abomination of a game anyway
because its shit, its full of crybaby's hiders and spammers
you either have the player that baits his teammates and hides, so that his team can then watch him die like a cunt as he tries to clutch the round.. by doing useless damage so that he can later say "man look at my damage, this team is at fault"
then you have those guys that be like "ALL TOP LETS GO"
then the round starts and after the first shot is fired he jumps down and backs out to teleport on Overkill, then he complains to the other team "lol 3v1 and camp"
I could not have described this disgusting and RETARDED gametype in such a simple and objective way.
When they infect this disease in the game, it will be decreed the DEATH of the community of true Quake players and the stillborn of the future true Quakers.
Do what overwatch does and pool most of the players into quickplay(1 game mode) or niche things temporally(with their changing arcade thing). Theres a reason overwatch was very shy with CTF and deathmatch(their version of CA I guess).
They should have more interactive tutorials(I really like the whole shooting colored bubble things). And a more passive way of getting small rewards like lore, to keep people logging in everyday. Not every flavor of gamemode, at least not atm.
How the hell is clan arena supposed to work in Quake Champions anyway?
It's going to be impossible to balance the champions for game modes both with items and without items simultaneously.
It's practically guaranteed to be shitty and broken.
but the game alteady IS shitty, is it not?
i mean they could have just added passive and active abilities, but instead they chose to give all the champs different movement speeds and hitboxes and health.. its just a joke trough and trough
Never understood this either. It's not like some heroes in e.g. dota runs faster than others.
Use the 200/200 system from q3 with the same limits and same decaying speed, so timing actually matters, same hitboxes and speed, no speed limit and then give the champions passive/active abilities. Would be much better I think and a lot easier for Id to balance.
well why shouldn't ca have classes? the abilities and ability constellations could allow some funky tactical plays. wouldn't be the same ca as with noclasses for sure though, and maybe not pub-friendly. (also i can't predict too well how it would play, not having played qc at all)
the moment they add CA they can at the same time remove all other modes, because CA will be all that is played..
the bad thing about it is that it has no objective, and therfore you will always have people not showing up to bridge/top and then the tears in chat start rolling.
they should add something to it, like attack and defend.. you know, like there should be a flag or something that if you manage to steal it you wil the round.. so it forces people to attack/defend an area, which also gives you some kind of tactical approach to attack the base, instead of waiting for that timer 3,2,1 and ROCKET SPAM everywhere
it needs an objective that is an incentive to move, I agree. Except we have those modes already, they are not CA. So in essence you're saying we don't need CA?
I agree about the objectives, adding something as simple as heavy armor spawning at one end of the map every minute, and mega spawns at the other offset by 30 seconds, could at least get people moving as a team
the other thing I liked in qwca was servers that had self-armor damage, meaning the round would start with people being cautious about self damage, and then when you took enough damage that your armor was gone, you could start rj-ing like mad
The community is absolutely incapable of facing simple truths, incorporating one of the most popular game modes is a concrete necessity. I won't argue with anyone, but if someone says otherwise, they are either delusional, nitpicking for lesser arguments or bluntly finding problems in solutions that don't require any debate.
what i don't understand, asking those that voted "no": what does adding a game mode take away from your experience? it's not like because there's no clanarena people are all of a sudden going to play more of the other modes. coming from my personal experience i can say that's not how it works. the more game modes the better imo.
I think streamlining gamemodes has historically done wonders for CS, Dota, LoL, other games. And I think the horrible fragmentation of the other community has been quite bad for deathmatch games.
Splitting the playerbase and devs into many modes =
1. Longer MM times, for all gametypes. Say players pick either CA or DM, that means now DM takes twice as long.
MM times are already absurdly long in NA and everywhere else other than in EU. The game is already practically unplayable for non-hardcore Quake players, the only ones willing to accept 30 mins of waiting for 30 mins of gameplay, and with more gametypes it's going to be even worse.
2. There's no main gametype of the game, in order to promote it. Is Quake a deathmatch game? Because I haven't seen deathmatch in events promoting the game but duel and Sacrifice, niches in public play.
3. Devs split their focus into many projects, therefore never really finishing one well. One mapper making a CTF map means he is not making a duel map. The actually popular games (LoL, CS, PUBG, etc.) all have one main gametype, that gets the most focus, is featured in the game menu/etc., more supported in content patches balance changes, and is the most played. Quake has never had a main gametype.
4. CA in particular killed QL. The least engaging gametype gathered all the casual players, killing the others in pub play as the servers were always empty.
Also, while most pub players preferred CA, the devs chose to never focus on CA when making updates or hosting tournaments, but rather on improving and promoting the pub play niches of duel, CTF, TDM and adding like 10 other gametypes that nobody ever touched. Or for example, in QC in pub play the most played modes are clearly deathmatch and TDM, but they haven't been updated once or had tournamenrs in the history of QC.
I just want QC to have one main gametype, team-based while fun to play solo because that's what sells. And then, once it's fully developed and featured as the main one, then they could make instagib or whatever else as side mods, just using the same maps (faster to make) and getting way less support than the main mode.
Even better, just have one main well made gametype whether new or improving something existing (4v4), then TDM 2v2 (no more than that), FFA (1), duel (1) and that's it; no more. If you notice, the last three are practically the same in terms of content needed tor them to work so it's not a burden to support them, therefore can work as side modes. That is unlike other modes that require special dedication, like CTF (needs special maps), CA (needs big maps and CA-only champion balances) or Sacrifice (needs to be remade from scratch in order to be fun in pub play).
Or if it comes down to it, just promote CA as the main gametype. It's better than having none, like today. But the devs have to support it, in terms of making it the main one, getting updates, not making it too simpleton like QC modes currently are.
They need to allow the community to make mods. Quake has always been about mods. The community will make the game better for free. I'd software should go back to the basics while everyone else is dlc and lootboxing us to death.