With the December update, the team emphasized their focus on improving the player experience by introducing quality-of-life features, reintroducing the significance of item control, and lowering the barrier to entry.
New Additions
. Duel Ranked Play to be introduced. Other game modes to be introduced at a later date.
. 40 different crosshairs to choose from.
. Max FPS setting to be introduced.
. Team outlines visible through walls. Can be toggled on/off.
. One new Champion to be introduced. No details provided.
. One new duel map to be included. Described as vertical. Also available for FFA, Duel, and TDM in custom game.
. Third person preview animation while loading into map with new champion for the first time. Only happens once per champion selection during the match. During this time player will be invisible & invulnerable.
. You cannot disable third person spawn effect. (For now)
. Winter themed stuff coming, including snow and Christmas lights on maps. First step into season events.
Read what Tim Willits and Adam Pyle have to say about Champion and Weapon Changes, plans for 2018 and more on plusforward.net

Edited by Nukm at 22:24 CST, 17 November 2017 - 89475 Hits