"Its quite easy, u just need to explain it right way. Ebanyi means clearly "fucking" (or fucked, fucked up). And zadrot is very well known word in russian gaming shpere. Basic word was "zadrachivat" camed from "drochit" which is vulgar synonymus to "masturbate". So "zadrot" is a speical noun from "masturbate", which in context describe a person, who has no-real life, he just "masturbates" (plays a lot) one game, one thing in his life. Best examples - oldschool korean SC "zadrots". Thats all"
Quite an explanation. "suka", if literally translated, means "bitch" or the female dog, but here it's used in emphasizing form. "blyat" is interjection here, could be trasnlated as "fuck".
"pizdec, ti suka blyat durak" ~ "holy moly you are a one fucked idiot"
alias "insult1" "say Eede vhad e sgadie kak malinkey suka"
alias "insult2" "say U tebya s zhopu techka"
alias "insult3" "say Tya mama huyem v rot ebala"
alias "insult4" "say U tya sho zhopa sho rozha: vse prigozhe"
alias "insult5" "say Idi obsosi tayevo papu, kak ti delayesh den, ti shluha yebanaya"
alias "insult6" "say Indanahway suka bluut"
alias "insult7" "say Jri govno i zdohni"
alias "insult8" "say Otsosi potom prosi"
alias "insult9" "say Zhopu porvu margala vikoliu"
alias "RussianInsultEcho1" "echo ******** (1) Go to hell and burn like a little bitch ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho2" "echo ******** (2) You bleed through your ass ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho3" "echo ******** (3) Your mother fucked you in the mouth with a dick ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho4" "echo ******** (4) Your ass is the same as your face: all beautiful ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho5" "echo ******** (5) Go suck off your daddy like you usually do every night, you fucking whore ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho6" "echo ******** (6) Fuck off bitch slut (highly offensive) ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho7" "echo ******** (7) Eat shit and die ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho8" "echo ******** (8) Blow my cock. then make a wish ********"
alias "RussianInsultEcho9" "echo ******** (9) I'll rip your ass and poke out your eyes ********"
I can't speak a single word of Russian but it's amusing seeing those who can't express themselves clearly in their own language trying to argue about translations of a language even more complex than their own.
If the Olympics had Retard Debates, it might sound something like this thread.