all quakers will jump on DB after release. QL dead, QC dead and will not improve (becouse of broken engine. you can not fix , that is not fixable).
And my child gonna be already 1+ year, so I am fine with waiting :))
I am not talking about active quaker.. after q4 came out, where was tons of players, same with ql, but they failed with games.. same goes with qc.. good fps arena shooter are able to have 10k active player basr.
Is that really the order you would consistently use in your day to day discussion? You consistently state your birthday starting with day, month and year? EVERY TIME?
"YDM used in Kazakh in Kazakhstan (Russian in Kazakhstan has DMY), Latvian in Latvia"
There's always at least one...haha
I think Little-endian is better for people that read left to right, day to day they more often need to know the day then month thinking about immediately upcoming events.
Another dead game on release, ppl are saying this looks awesome this is amazing and all good things.. but at the end nobody's interested to play boring arena fps genre ever again.