ModernGosu 100%
Simon4Ever 100%
EliteZInc 100%
Wolf95 V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Rukketid V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Dirty Money V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Pagan Wishes V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
The Punisher V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Chan 2017 V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
SGT Cayman V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
KRLL V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Care Not V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Phoenyx V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
ryk0v V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Azatoth V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
La Li Lu Le Lo V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Kingz Lee V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
CrazyPT V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
MakeDD V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Kartik High level LG on 188+ ping. Is this possible?
stay hydrated V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Poldo V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Rippercuts V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists.
Kevin04 V. Suspect - worth looking into if any such tool exists
Add your own, or I will add when I come across them.
Classic thing in common is.
Little history anywhere, yet able to perform shots or maintain frag ratios that could only be achieved with extensive experience and some have hit harder than any pro I ever played.
Its possible good players are playing as aliases or new accounts, in which case, such players might make the list but that's their fault for acting like that knowing the climate.
I only listed 100% cheats when its that obvious, the rest are just suspect or worth looking at.
Edited by Jamerio at 15:55 CST, 23 December 2018 - 120335 Hits