The skill in goldeneye is knowing how to use the C-pad and how to abuse the aimbot... a lot of people like to talk about how oddjob was harder to hit but really that is not true, it just means that they dont know how to use the C-pad to aim up and down. How you can tell a noob from a pro: The noob will try and go into aim-mode at long distances with the magnum. The pro will wait for the hand movement signifying that the aimbot has locked on before firing- this is actually faster and more accurate then manual aiming and woks good on the temple map. Also if you aim up slightly the aimbot will lock onto peoples heads for you more often
opens ESR
looks for new threads
finds nothing but this
is afraid to open it, since the title smells american troll bss, but there is nothing else to read
opens thread
starts reading and regrets it
checks the poster and confirms the worst case scenario
writes down his experience