Of course it is!
The problem with collections like that is, someone always releases a new one and it becomes out of date.
It why I never buy those james bond tin collection things, cos they won't ever stop making them.
Just bear in mind if you download fightcade, and the roms to those games that might also be a good move, as many of the players in fightcade are world class vets at that particular game. You can;t beat arcade perfect and it wont cost a penny.
Shit did not realize this was out on the PC/STEAM. Thought it was Nintendo only. Just bought.
Completely overpriced, but still nice to have it all one click away in steam and it has the original which I always wanted to play but I never specifically recall playing.
There's only two series of games I will ever pathologically support, Street Fighter & Quake.
It has most of the other versions up to SF4 series (which it does not have) which you can play offline.
And has a training mode, or at least possible to beat shit out of dummy opponent and they never die to great for practicing combos.
Options seem limited, not even sure where or if you can change difficultly level for SP-not that many care for this. Don't seem to be too many people playing.
I would say Fightcade is still your best best bet.
I lost about 5 games in 50, so there are some high skillers out there, but most of them like me lurking, long time SF degenerates you can probably meet on FIGHTCADE.
I really did it to support the cause more than anything else.
But this should probably be £19.99 at best and will drop a lot in time, so if you're not sure now, maybe one to keep an eye on.
really one for hardcore SF junkies, or perhaps someone whose not tournament level, and just wants a trip down memory lane to play them all in under one umbrella on PC.
Net code seems good when it works, but you do get odd opponent where game is unplayable. 95% of the games I played so far have been fine.
A patch or two with some more advanced options, cross platform playing with fightcade (or those guys migrating) and this could be the ultimate retro environment for old school SF.
Nothing wrong with that, these games have enough mechanics/meta to last a lifetime and we all know the direction certain devs are going down with their modern spin offs where everyone's a winner.