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Just rofl @ the twig arms wearing a wifebeater. Probably lifted 2 months in his lifetime thinking he's tough. Lmaooooooooooooooooooo.
From Nikita "Clawz" Marchinsky:
"Winning a 2v2 match was an exceptional, emotional experience for me, and in the excitement, seeing my team mate running up to me, I completely got swept up in the moment. The right thing to do would of course have been to shake hands with toxjq immediately after the win, and upon realizing my mistake I went to toxjq directly after to thank him for a good game and apologize for my laps in sportsmanship.
I have the utmost respect for toxjq and what he has accomplished throughout his gaming career, and I am honored to have been in the semi-finals vs a player of his caliber.
I'm sorry if anyone, especially toxjq, was offended by it, I was just too happy in the heat moment to realize what was going on at all."
– Why should a proper sportsman handshake after the match?An answer::
– Because the sport is a substitute of the war and by handshaking after the match the sportsmen show each other that they are not an enemies fighting on the real war, but just pretending. The gesture of handshaking itself is coming from the gesture with which you show that you are unarmed and mean no harm.
you couldnt embarass yourself furtherWell, It appears, you could)
"In chess you play with the figures.
In quake you are the figure."
One where your physical, intellectual and social development isnt blocked.