Hello ESR,
Last time I posted here was maybe 15 years ago: ah well! :)
I tried to reinstall the game to get into fragging, but now I have a problem; everytime a deadbody is destroyed (by a rocket explosion, a telefrag, you name it...) then I hear a disgusting BZZZZT sound.
I tried to:
- google it (sic)
- reinstall windows 10
- update all sound drivers
- set all s_ values to their original state (mixahead, prestep... what not)
- do a cvar_restart
- reinstall the game... and redo all previous steps above
Still, BZZZZT.
Any suggestions are welcome !
Thanks to CHFL for trying to help while getting fragged in RA ;)
Edited by AppleSeed at 06:45 CDT, 15 July 2018 - 20117 Hits