I'm missing the part where his doctor is forcing him to live in paris of all places, for health reasons.
Oh wait, there isn't. He's choosing to live in paris, one of the most expensive cities in the world, because it's a posh city with a rich night life and lots of gay bars with the cutest teenage homosexuals in france.
He choosed his priorities.
Are you American, or how come you dont know shit about France, one of the major european countries...It's most likely that he cant get any work outside Paris, because thats just how it is. A big part of the french economy revolves around Paris, and in certain work fields, you wont find work anywhere else.
Anyway, the way you tell that gay joke, without any hint of fun or humour, thats just sad. Im usually the one to make fun of strenx because hes strange indeed. But you just suck, in a sad way.
And for the record: Strenx asking for donations is ridiculous indeed.
lol ye Paris is the only place in france where there is work...and it's only possible to work in Paris when you live there, not in its surroundings and going there by train for example...
Way to ignore the first part of the reply where you look like an absolute clown :D
Given your comments in general you sure as shit are never going to educate anyone on anything, and I very much doubt you're an authority on french real estate either way...
Careem always riding the coattails of something he could profit from, either Fake Facebook and socially fake money schemes. I hope you die and your family suffers in real life.
Everything I have seen him promise, either wasn't followed through or was about attaining fake facebook friends, so that people could essentially reap money for free off of the fakeness.
I don't understand why every damn quake player needs crowd funding to go to tournaments. Working any mediocre job even part time should net you enough money to have a couple grand in the bank...
because if they can get a trip for free why wouldn't they? I found it very cool the first times that community showed solidarity and appreciation for the guys that put in so much effort into quake. but this romantic times are over, nowadays it's just players trying to abuse a community they don't give a fuck about. (if they did, they would appreciate what they got from it in the past and fund themselves like every 2cnd year. faggots. it's like they're not even trynig. as said strenx won 10k last year and has a job. he had his chance to fund himself. if he didn't take it and instead expects the community to fund him again, that's just abuse.)
The same strenx that was inactive one month before quakecon 2015 or 14 i don't remember, decided he absolutely had to go, got funded, went there and got smashed by everyone and their mothers, but hey, he got his fun little vacation to america at least.
Why are always the ones with negative funding experiences in the past the ones first to beg again the following year? (demon, strenx)
in these gofundme campaigns they could at least offer the donors a payback in case they win some prizemoney, even with some possibility to double your money. For example 1500 gofundme, with max payout of 3000 depending on the prizemoney
Who is taking the money? Where is strenx? Why are other people doing the collecting on his behalf?
Most importantly, why did he choose Carem who is known for fraud and online scams? careem only post here when he ask for money for fiverr commercials or fake cups.
I would donate to strenx but not if I have to go through some strange website and it involves one of the biggest quake scamers.
You are not giving money to strenx, if he wanted he could set this up himself but strange enough, an online scammer is doing it.
Actually, i don't mind anyone asking for sponsoring anything.
You feel like it - you do.
You aint - you don't.
Why shitstorm at all?
What about me, i would consider that as an option if and only if xuenx and his whatever teammate would participate in online tourneys and prize places could provide them a part of the summ). But dudes seem to not care about anything than a paid vacation.
As much as I admire the pro players, their money management is terrible.
I do support the streamers who actually care about their community.
I can't talk about the Russian quakers, as I'm sure they do a lot for their russian counterparts.
The English streamers though just sit behind their screens and mouth breathe while playing. With zero interaction. At least put in some effort with the people who put the hours in to support you.
As for Strenx he's done a lot in terms of teaching people, yet he had dipped off a few times. It's losing the trust of the community which is difficult to come back from.
This is getting out of hand.
I wouldn't mind donating to younger people or from poorer countries who actually have no way to make it... But to someone who made thousands, even last year meh
No the people who would donate to strenx, would do it IN SPITE of the fact that you are here :)
People who follow you, know that you are not only a pitiful human, but that you may as well not be a human for liing constantly, and making false promises, I will enter to your social media again soon, and c continue 'trolling' ;)
I live in Wejherowo. Flat is very expensive, and I pay mostly 71 % of the rent with my grandma but i am still able to send strenx to qcon, please contact me asap.
Banks in Europe wont give you a loan just like that, you'll have to have a high enough income for it, well depends on the sum you're trying to loan. Regardless; Who would take a loan to pay for a trip to play video games? I'd rather take a loan to buy life time supply of toilet paper before that.
ill be honest. ive sent a few bucks to spartie and raisy, cause they have the skill and mentality of a great player. i dont mind sending money to a good cause, and im really glad bethesda made it possible to spend money to a tournament prize. on the other hand strenx is really far from a likeable character to be honest. unlike most viewers, im not entertained by raging and shouting, and acting like a clown in general.