16556 Hits
Your attempts are so desperate. You're literally grasping for straws to the point of scrutinising my QC profile to find something hahaha. Worse part is you can't even read properly, I've already broke 1800 elo.
You'll also notice that the reason you found my profile easily is because I make it easy, by being consistent at using the same nickname everywhere, unlike you. I've got nothing to hide and nothing I'm ashamed of.
On top of that I actually don't give a fuck what my stats are like on a quake profile mate hence why I'm usually not sober when I play, unlike you try harding on QL CA since the beginning of time in the hope of getting a good elo score. That's how sad you are :)
Addressing some retarded flame posts and non-sense thrown at QC for the sake of it doesn't mean that I'm defending QC.
I bet you know what it's like to crusade and try to get attention. After all you're the whore trying to get free [+]'s with lame attempts at being funny or saying stuff you think most people will probably agree with. That alone says enough about your bland personality.
Not sure what drove you to that tangent about mummy, daddy and bad experiences at school, are you trying to communicate your own experience? Does it make you feel better to convince yourself that others went through the same shit?
I'm older than you and lived in 4 different countries, currently working at a high paid job where stats do matter unlike my QC profile stats that I literally give 0 fuck about. But I can imagine that having a career and other things going on other than video games can be difficult concept to grasp for someone who sits through marathons of old movies and reinstalls old games for nostalgia rofl. And I didn't even make those up, that's the best part. See difference between you and me again, is that you have to resort to making stuff up about mummy and daddy while I can just recall some of the last 10 comments you've made and I can already show how much of a pathetic nerd you are.
You're rooting for me to break 1800 elo, and I'm rooting for you to get a job.
Duel is simpler than the other game types actually, you only have 1 opponent to focus on, no team play to worry about, no power-up and so on.
adjective: simple; comparative adjective: simpler; superlative adjective: simplest
easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
adjective: easy; comparative adjective: easier; superlative adjective: easiest
achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.