Name: esdf
Posts: 4658
Posts: 4658
Now for all of you who know me, you know I'm a ctf god and played maybe 50 duels and 100 tdms over my 8-9 years of playing quake. So when you take that in to account, on the first look qc doesn't have much to offer.
but then, I watched some duels, and couldn't stop watching. there's a lot of good players I watched, clawz, xron, spart1e, rapha, dahang, etc, but one guy stood out. it's

So I've watched more and more, I've soaked up the knowledge and I felt blown away by this feeling of massive skill that is building up in me. I felt compelled to share this knowledge to the world. Unfortunately, someone compiled some of his gretest and brainest moves way before me, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere yet, so here it is.
How to play quake, by baSe:
edit: oops misclick on html tag :|
Edited by esdf at 13:46 CST, 7 February 2018 - 66739 Hits