if the price is good, even for a collection of games that includes 4 main Halo games, Halo Reach and ODST, then it could be good also has Splash Damage involvement from what I read.
First two were very good for their times. They're still good if simple graphics don't bother you. 3rd was nothing special. Everything that came after has been more or less shit and desperate milking of the franchise.
If you’re used to quake I doubt you’ll enjoy it much. Movement is the slowest of any shooter. Even jumping feels like slow motion low gravity. Weapons are okay. The biggest selling point to the game is the vehicles and of course the game modes.
As a lot of people say, its innovation was more inherent to the traditional characteristics of shooters on the console platform which, prior to the mid-2000s, were very much a separate market segment to the PC market. Halo is a pleasing and well-polished product but there's very little about it in relation to PC shooters that is innovative.
The simpler graphics of that era is more appealing tbh. Like modern graphics can look so messy and chaotic unless a certain aesthetic is aimed for. Simple polygons and lower picmips etc just makes everything clearer to look at.