-2GD is joined by promEUs and Bjarke who have worked on Diabotical maps
-Waiting on programming
-Brawl maps are done, CTF maps are done,
-Might not launch with CTF and MacGuffin, maybe it might come one week after launch
-A Wipeout map by promEUs and Bjarke is shown
-Difference between Wipeout and Clan Arena is that in Clan Arena players usually get a single life, in Wipeout there are respawns but the more that a team gets killed the longer their respawn times will get, the round ends when everyone on a team is eliminated at the same time (players haven't respawned yet)
-Tagging/sprays are shown
-MrH's map arted by promEUs who was inspired by how a race map from p00nie looks
-Race map by p00nie referenced above is shown
-Traditional Chinese localization is shown, some more languages will be added
-Menus need a paintover
-Various options for the weapons list are shown in the hud editor
-Dodge ability has been added, can only use it on the ground, can't fire while using it to balance it, feedback from people that have used it has been good
-Need to do a shield ability which reduces a very small amount of damage (which would affect shaft but not pncr)
-2GD wanted to remove the timer but then people would cheat with an external clock
-New duel map is shown which has more curves using props
-Health pickups have bubbles/liquid inside of them now
-The game has ultra wide screen support
-Have to work on some LAN capabilities
-Have to work on the audio mix and gameplay feedback
-Netcode is not fully done
-It's difficult to predict a release date because sometimes it is complicated to predict how much time some programming tasks will take (sometimes quicker, sometimes longer than expected), the team is working 7 days a week and will release the game when it's ready
-2GD needs to work on HUD, he then explains some of the HUD elements on screen, like the rage meter, bolt/dodge cooldown indicator, power up countdown timer.
-Customization menu is shown which has tabs with decals, audio, announcers and weapons (will be for bobbleheads on top of weapons)
-Working on the trailer, making some assets for it
-There will be a basic tutorial
-New dodge mechanic gives you an instant boost in speed, sort of like an auto circle jump. 2GD thinks that the dodge mechanic might be good for new players who haven't learned how to strafejump yet
-There are more server locations in the custom game datacenter list now, 2GD thinks a couple more will be added
-Another map is shown
-Automated tournament system will be similar to Artifact's where a tournament can be linked outside of the game, might start of with a basic system and build on it later
-Will give an update next month
-There is no fall damage at the moment
-It will be possible to select multiple servers when queuing
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