Are you the real diabz, the other diabz or diabz #4? You're not the third diabz for sure, because that was me temporarily changing my name for a month to join in on that cavalcade of fucktardation.
I already know
+ you suck at quake
+ you are mentally unstable
+ you are dumb
+ I have seen your idiotic hackuzations, that confims 2 things.
+ you are a loser
+ you can't aim
So when will you grow up, find ignore button, or you will be forever a crybaby. I had you on ignore for a long time.
I raise you, one of the best games I've played in many years, the protagonist is cute as a button and the game is a mix of Zelda Wind Waker character animations with Super Mario Sunshine level design.
It's well worth the price and the DLC is incredible. If you enjoyed oldschool 3d platformers like Mario, Banjo etc you'll enjoy the hell out of it.
Didn't watch the video, but voted 8.