Edited by sonic at 05:45 CDT, 13 June 2019 - 22654 Hits
Reported backtick in ENEMY`S PICK fixed to ENEMY'S PICK
no game on the market can give that to me, rocket launcher, lightning gung, complex movement and fast paced game and respawning ... and players to play with
the best step by bethesda would be to open source the game and give server executables to players, there would still be some valid potential
If there were nothing good in QC, and it were just 100% shit, no one would even look at it or talk about it. They'd just not play it.
They complain about QC because they like it just enough to play it and then get annoyed by its problems.Well, they complain, because of the unused potential and the minimal work that is happening in patches, they expected so much more, but I think people realize now that id is not anymore putting any effort into the game ...
I daresay a lot of people these days get more enjoyment from complaining about Quake than playing Quake.I am not sure if there are a lot of people, but there are surly some people on reddit who have not even played 30 matches in that game and are really only subbed to spread hate
Sadly, I just don't see this happening. The game has a shelf life, but that makes it like most online games out there today.