Meanwhile considering how he responded to the reddit community and anyone whatsoever who criticises QC, you'll find he also has mental issues. You can see how he responded to me and some other guy on Twitter when I tried to explain why the invite only concept is bs, he started blindly defending it and throwing around insults while I didn't say anything rude whatsoever.
And about his ability to play in comparison to Europeans, I'm sure GLP would have told you everything you need to know.
Definitely the kind of guy you want to be representing your game
I'm not an expert on the esports scene of Quake, but I'm pretty sure people overrate NA players because of Rapha and Dahang, and the other players apart from those two are far from the level to beat many of the European players. If these retards insist on making the event invite only, it shouldn't be 10 NA and 10 EU, but instead something like 15 EU and 5 NA.
Also the fact that AU players, and other regions were thrown out to trash is straight up insulting
Yes, it's always easier to get to top 20 elo as more and more actual good players only play in private lobbies, especially when there is a tournament coming up.