As time went on, all eyes turned to

After losing to

But there was also some confusion, a lot of people didn't know how the players were ranked in the round robin, and I think there are still people who don't know. So here is how it works. It was a point system, where you got:
2.25 points for a 2-0 win
2 points for a 2-1 win
1 point for a 1-2 loss
0 point for a 0-2 loss
It was definitely a very tight fight for that n°2 spot. In the final rankings,

But let's not forget about the real man of the day,

Only time will tell, but we will first be treated to a series of prize matches with casters. They promise to be close and entertaining. See liquipedia.net/quake for more details. Prizes will probably be announced during the broadcast.
The show starts at 08:00 CDT on twitch.tv/quake (Grand Final at 15:00 CDT).
Edited by Badb0y at 16:54 CDT, 28 July 2019 - 103238 Hits