Edited by gojira_ at 11:15 CDT, 29 August 2019 - 59693 Hits
Do you want to just downvote instead?
Gender is a bit of bullshit, kind of in same sense say money is--it is significantly what people make of it, but how exactly it works is complicated and multifaceted.No, it is not. Animals do not have money, but they have gender. It is not a human concept, it is biology, a subset of physics. It is a fact of nature.
I also didn't really want to discuss it because there's people scared of gay folk in this thread, let alone transfolk...Ah yeah, the long-lasting tradition in ESR of fretting for people's feelings, please.
Ah yeah, the long-lasting tradition in ESR of fretting for people's feelings, please.
even in this thread focusing on personal characteristics or psychologizing is in full swing, what conversation can there be if they already "read" your mindwhen you're doing it, albeit to show and not a person, all the same. Especially when your mind wasn't misread. Not judging by this thread anyway.
Why would unpolitical folk make the show not rightwing if it has more promotion of rightwing folk than of leftwing folk/issues?Joe "promotes" whoever he wants to talk to. But if Joe promotes ANYTHING, it's DMT and weed. He can talk to whoever he wants to and it doesn't mean he's promoting what they say. Letting someone speak doesn't mean promoting their ideas, unless you are a... well... you whine about lefty stereotypes. But how should I respond when I have only seen this rhetoric from extreme leftists? In current time that is, history of course is ripe with all sorts of level-headed book-burning chaps.
He doesn't cite them or discuss their views in serious form, just bashes them like that without much reference to source material.Irony? You haven't cited JP a single time. And unlike those two, he's all over the internet and youtube specifically.
Irony? You haven't cited JP a single time. And unlike those two, he's all over the internet and youtube specifically.
If someone cares about a principle, they'll probably just explain it in a neutral setting, or, if needed, choose an example they're quite certain it's appropriate.
You choose one where you admittedly don't care about the source material.
Animosity seems likely to me given how our last interactions went and your express lack of care about the particular topic here.
Don't care doesn't mean I don't know anything about the "source material".
is he a classic british liberal?
I specifically asked that first to see why you think it's appropriate to launch this criticism of methodology on me, when to me it seems quite inappropriate and poorly chosen (for multiple reasons).
There is also the question of the Lindsey Shepard controversy which suggested it did have an impact on people's behaviors/beliefs even without any actual law enforcement action.
Alright, as I thought, this is more so about you having beef with me, as you readily bring up our past discussions.
I mean, are they even forbidden to tell her what to teach or not to teach without any law? I think they are, given her lowly position.
Because he can afford to sue (or threaten to sue) people, can he bully people? Yes.
Joe "promotes" whoever he wants to talk to. But if Joe promotes ANYTHING, it's DMT and weed. He can talk to whoever he wants to and it doesn't mean he's promoting what they say. Letting someone speak doesn't mean promoting their ideas, unless you are a... well... you whine about lefty stereotypes.
But I don't give a shit about him, nor do I care to watch him to call you out on your bullshit.
Maybe don't fucking assume that it's bullshit? You really know that you're right deep down don't you, and ignorance need not stop you.Why would I not assume it's bullshit? Because it would make you right? Again, you didn't even cite him once and I am ignorant for not just treating your claims as facts?
some so vague I'd probably have no idea what you're talking about even if I was JP's biggest fan.
because all you've said is there's like five guys JR has had on his show who are right wing
And your whole tirade comes down to "not equal representation of the politics equals promotion".
Your whole rhetoric post after post proves only that you're the stereotype you don't want to be labeled as.
and just wholesale dismisses things while acting indignantAnd I'll give you this one too. But I don't expect you to admit
admits nothing, levels further accusationsis just projection on your part. As your irrelevant tangential rant about, really one person, has shown.
it's not my fault you can't argue that and you just want to go off on JP.
As your irrelevant tangential rant about, really one person, has shown.
you never defined what right wing is and yet you expect other people to conform to your definition. Which again, is rooted only in human concepts, not reality.
All you do is rant and rave about a couple of people and I have to assume you genuinely believe that in doing so you're showing a bias in anything other than yourself.
And you will avoid giving me a straight answer, because it's obviously 0.
So anyway, if you go through their guests lists on their individual shows, podcasts etc, you'll see so many of the political guests that JRE has on. So it forms probably the core of the politics JRE promotes. Then there's also people on bad graces with these people that will get vetoed, usually in silence, sometimes mentioned negatively if it goes on too long, like Sam Seder.
I don't think lefties who come on the show are close to the number of shows and the influence this group of people has.
No one is asking you to pretend that up is down.
Because it's the same thing. If you're born a man, then you're a man.That is what I'm asking you justify, can you do it? (Obviously, I am talking about biological sex at birth vs gender identity)
It's called gender identity disorder for a reasonIt's not, it was reclassified as Gender Dysphoria to remove the stigma associated with the word "disorder". From Wikipedia:
Gender dysphoria (GD) is the distress a person feels due to their birth-assigned sex and gender not matching their gender identity.So mainstream Psychology seems to disagree with you.
The opposite. This shit gets pushed through politics and forces people to call males females and vice versa...Which again just assumes that gender is fixed at the time of birth.
Psychology is nigger of science.
Some niggas literally VOTED that being a faggot is normal.
It's not like anything changed.
everything you dont like or dont agree with as far-right or alt-right.
I'm mostly sure that you're a troll after that last sentence tho lol.
That is what I'm asking you justify, can you do it? (Obviously, I am talking about biological sex at birth vs gender identity)
It's not, it was reclassified as Gender Dysphoria to remove the stigma associated with the word "disorder". So mainstream Psychology seems to disagree with you.It wasn't renamed because of any sort of breakthrough in psychiatry but rather because of political lobby. You can look into it.
All of this division, worry, hatred isn't accidental it's been planned. The "System" or whatever you want to call it want you to hate each other over petty things.
Black, white, muslim, gay, straight, women, men, racism, sexism, anti-semitism do these things exist, yes. Do they exist on the mass scale that the mainstream media would like you to believe? No nowhere close but they want you to be constantly fighting and spewing hatred and division against each other so you're never going to wake up and see the big picture.
I think he's very funny, a great interviewer because he tries to make the other person feel at ease and he also has great rapport.
Pot smoking, abuse of allucinogens of any kind, homosexuality, edonism pushed to the extreme and as the main life objective, organic diets and relativism?
No, not right "leaning". You're either lefty or FAR right
Okay i don't know if you realize but ANY word outs someone as sympathetic to FAR-right views, to certain people like you.
No, not right "leaning". You're either lefty or FAR right
I suppose these twitter people think Carmack will be contributing to the popularity of Joe's show, which might mean more people are exposed to Joe's politics at some point.