old news, any no videos are available, so completely useless report, last thing I heard is deep mind has over a billion losses, maybe google is going to sell them just like boston dynamics
yeah, I saw that sometime with that special soldier strategy moving them back and forth all the time in microseconds, attack + flee, attack + flee, humans cant execute this particular task that fast I guess
DeepMind A.I. now plays on the SC2 ladder using all races. Players can opt-in to be potentially matched agaist AI but those bots play anonymously so players can't say when they match them. There are a couple of videos on YT from those games and it is really impressive how human-like they play. In some games the only way to say it's A.I. is lack of control groups.
That's right. The idea is to run A.I. with human-like limitation to test out its decision making instead of flawless execution. In FPS games like Quake and CS you can easily make AI that will rekt pro team with pure aim but it won't be very interesting. However if you cap A.I. LG accuracy at 35% and 50% RG and you will make it smart to win with rapha then it has to be quite intelligent.
Yeah, and how impossible is it to create AI that use "human" mechanics?
Building an android that has mechanical limitations?
Doesn't seem like something worth spending time on.
Well, this whole endeavour was about making a bot that outsmarts a human. If you think that's impossible, then you should think their whole goal is not worth time.
However, the limits they had weren't all that difficult to implement, and the ways in which they failed (not limiting APM in enough ways) are easy to implement. They just messed up, purposefully or no.
Who knows, maybe they boosted AI mechanical skills just enough to stomp pro players.
They should work on personal anime waifu holograms instead anyway...
and that the AI will apparently select entities which have 3 pixels visible on the edge of the screen, something a human player could and would not really do.
I don't see how any man-vs-machine match can be fair in a realtime game, as mechanics are a key factor in being successful.
DeepMind has not a great track record so far - they kinda cheated the SC2 matches from earlier, they kinda cheated on their chess match against stockfish.
Vast difference in hardware and Stockfish ran on an unsuitable configuration.
In the meantime AI engines like Leela beat conventional engines in fair competitions, but the results are way closer than the bullshit that Deepmind has claimed.