That's an extremely unfortunate loss, Sib, even though you outplayed him on every possible level he still beat you, I've never seen anyone as unlucky as you that match, nor anyone as lucky as he was that match. It shouldn't even be legal for someone as bad as him to beat someone as amazing as you are at this game.
To be honest, being good at QC has little / nothing to do with being good at quake. Look at all the big champions now, who would just throw the game if evil entered the map knowing they couldn't win a game against him for the last 4 years... and that's just Q3 another pseudo-quake evebn if not as appalling as QC. How about real quake...
Edited by WunderKind at 12:19 CDT, 17 September 2019
Evil? The guy that quit quake because he was being raped in quake champions (and has been raped too much by Rapha in the other quake)? That guy? Serious would aimbot the living crap out of his bowels.