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Ironically Dahang is known for having the worst raw aim out of all Quake Pros.
"You can have "great aim" just from have very strong map knowledge. Having really good awareness and prediction on some maps means you might hit really well even if your "raw aim" is "bad". If that's what you mean, perhaps DaHang is "great aimer" in duel and just bad on CA maps because he does not play CA maps ever."
I guess his CA games during the quakecon with a 3v3 CA tourney would be the best proof for this.
Also I would heavily doubt that he put in more hours in FPS than me. I used to play a LOT and I'm pretty old by now and do still somewhat regularly play FPS ;)
Example Quake: you start facing someone that even if slightly better than you will make you die again and again, without being able to do anything. You (rage)quit the game.
camp hide seek maps with endless corners
we already saw a 1-1 duel in 10 mins on ztn or dm6
but games like Starcraft 2 and it's literally perfect matchmaking showed that as long as it's 1v1 people will still not want to lose 50% of the time.