Edited by puritan at 10:16 CDT, 21 July 2019 - 29091 Hits
This resolution calls for DSA endorse open borders as a policy. This includes full demilitarization, the abolition of CBP and ICE, and the free movement of people. It also calls for the national organization and chapters to consider political candidates’ positions on open borders when making endorsements. It also calls on chapters to develop political education on the issue, to be done in coordination with the Immigrants’ Rights Working Group and the International Committee....so it is a thing with some of them.
Yet they are distinctly anti-jewish. That fact pattern is not exactly ideal for making a significant connection between "cultural marxism" and jewish people likely or plausible.I don't find them to be anti-Jewish. I'm not sure what you mean by your second sentence - the previous point about Bolschevism was that opponents of Communism/Marxism themselves identified it as a Jewish conspiracy (whether it was or not).
BDS [is] not anti-jewishOf course not.
What do you mean by "new monetary theory"?That's the theory of "the government can never run out of money, because they can always print more money, if they need it."
Thanks for the detailed reply.
I looked a bit into the issue in the meantime (see #45), but I see no conclusive evidence for a relevant connection between jews and communism.
"Gdy po smierci pojde na Sad Ostateczny, Swiety Piotr spyta mnie: - Co dobrego, synu, zrobiles? A ja odpowiem: - Mojego synka Antosia i Okragly Stol" - powiedzial Adam Michnik w glosnej rozmowie z generalem Kiszczakiem, opublikowanej przez Gazete Wyborcza.The absolute state of koncesjonowany (licensed) oppositionist.
"Michnik pochodzil z - jak to sam okreslil - "liberalnej zydokomuny". Matka Helena byla przed wojna dzialaczka socjalistycznej organizacji "Zycie". Ojciec, Ozjasz Szechter - wysokiej rangi dzialaczem Komunistycznej Partii Zachodniej Ukrainy."Cum on.
His guilty because he's a commie fag responsible for brainwashing huge part of nation.
Lmao at KOR. Jacek Kuron also wasn't a commie?
Because the system is using a dictionary derived from several EA games based on some sort of AI learning algorithm that has tagged certain combinations of words to be escalators to toxic chat (or similar, I don’t claim to understand how it works in detail) – we will change this.https://twitter.com/tiggr_/status/10409178041...wsrc%5Etfw
— David Sirland (@tiggr_) September 15, 2018