The 2nd installment of team trickjumping series. Featuring: ab1s, amrit, belth, blak, buddha, carb0n, corp, cr!m, cyb3r, cyrus, d[15], dqopb, dynam1c, edisdead, elco, evilknebl, fleshw3lder, fubar, hal, haze, kale, kid, lags, lame, lollipopolinius, maphive, m@rs, m1tsu, m00m1n, mrks, mrpinkk, nebula, neptr0n, nibbit, nihilanth, orfi, otis, rate, rbk, remis, riven, saiboat, se1z, s1l, som, soul_brother, sp4rky, stry, superman, t0rr, umek, vuokraaja, w3sp & xunderbird.
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