Scheduled: 06:00 CDT, 25 October 2020 to 12:00 CDT, 25 October 2020
Schedule: Passed
A new TimCon duel cup for Diabotical has been announced over at Plus Forward. It's coming up on October 25th 05:00 CST with a prize pool of £200. This is an open tournament however be advised that games will be played on Euro servers so head over to Challonge to sign up.
Stream: TimConLAN
Admins: CrazyAl, Noodle
Links: Discord, Bracket, Sign-up
Schedule: Passed
A new TimCon duel cup for Diabotical has been announced over at Plus Forward. It's coming up on October 25th 05:00 CST with a prize pool of £200. This is an open tournament however be advised that games will be played on Euro servers so head over to Challonge to sign up.
Stream: TimConLAN
Admins: CrazyAl, Noodle
Links: Discord, Bracket, Sign-up
Edited by CrazyAl at 16:09 CDT, 24 October 2020 - 9506 Hits