13766 Hits
When you are doing videos like that just post the clip and don't comment on it/give directions for what to look. That way people will not be biased by your directions.
Fun fact: I can easily hit 50% LG in team DM/duel/CA with all the time usage (i.e. will hit a lot higher if I don't spam to the point to use it in bad situations that screams "change the weapon") + on top of that 70% rail and secondary used weapon for dmg/kills. I am not even that good, there are people aiming far better than me in quake. Also I have really fast reflexes and really precise mouse control to the point I can dead stop the cursor and start tracking smoothly really fast.
With your analysis I imagine if you bump into k1llsen playing and you don't know it's him rofl - 300% you will conclude cheating. :)))
Yea, but its looks like people that leaving commets usualy are completely clueless nubs.
And for example in case when enesy instantly stop tracking when enemy gets out of aimbot range.
Fun fact: noone cares about you and how you easily can hiting 50% LG.
K1llsen, the player who is playing this game for more then ten years, constantly practising against top players for this ten years straight, participating in tournaments. Build his aim from shaky 30% lg to shaky 50% lg over 10 years constantly practising against top players
And you comparing this k1llsen guy to some retarded anime kid who mostly playing world of warcraft and kovaak. Thinking that 3000h in kovaak equal to 10+ years of quake expirience?
[q]And for example in case when enesy instantly stop tracking when enemy gets out of aimbot range.
Enesy has been competing at the top of Clan Arena, be it small or regular CA as far as I can remember. I know him over a decade, he was one of the best when I met him, this was in 2010. His CA elo was at the same level of K1llsens and Clawz's. I can tell you out of first-hand experience since I've competed with him in Clan Arena in Quake Live (Face-it, HoQ) and I've played 2v2 TDM with him as his teammate in QC.