0:00:00 Intro
1:41 Rapha's future
4:40 Interest in VALORANT
9:40 Players and social intelligence
11:08 Coaching
13:50 Casting VALORANT
20:28 Rapha's experience of being coached
29:04 How to review yourself and improve
35:05 Pressure in duel is harder than team modes
39:45 Don't give up on yourself
40:44 Breathing
43:40 Awareness of our performance
45:50 How to deal with nerves
48:00 In-game communication in team games
56:10 The hard work & elements we control
1:00:20 How do you identify your performance (ABC Game, Goal setting)
1:11:31 Now Rapha's advice for Young Rapha
1:14:05 Believing in yourself - what does it mean?
1:16:24 Chasing the best vs being the best
1:24:18 Confidence when everything's against you
1:31:50 Tendler Quote: While the trade is the same, you are not
1:37:30 If Rapha coached VALORANT
1:40:15 Rapha's view of emotions in performance
1:43:50 Giving up = Wasting time
1:47:15 Final thoughts
Edited by M1zzu at 14:06 CDT, 8 October 2021 - 6038 Hits