Right now there is qualifying for a big tournament organized by RESP with a prize fund of 524,000 rubles (approximately 5,400 euros). Only players from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan are allowed to participate.
Until June 16 eight qualifying tournaments will be played, following which the eight qualifying players will play at the LAN tournament in St. Petersburg, which will take place on June 22.
The following players have qualified right now:

Where can I download it?
The developers are currently posting modification updates on Telegram, as well as on the RESP Discord channel (check #bloodrun-pts).
Should I get the original pk3 files for this?
Yes, if you have your Quake 3 copy installed from Steam/GOG/MS Store, then just launch bloodrun.exe. If not, it's gonna ask for Quake 3 folder location once at start.
Is this the same as Quake 3 Champions?
Yes, the new name of the modification is BLOODRUN.
What champions are currently available?
Anarki, Daemia (Galena), Keel, Mynx (Nyx), Ranger, Sorlag, Visor, Klesk (Death Knight).
There are also available Strogg (without Peeker) and Slash, but they are not done yet. You can choose them with a comands /champion strogg and /champion slash.
What maps are currently available?
Toxic Waste (Awoken, /callvote map dm1), Arabian Nights (Molten Falls, /callvote map dm2), Hangar 18 (Vale of Pnath, /callvote map dm3), Tech Zone (The Dark Zone (aka Quake dm6), /callvote map dm8), Dead Space (The Bad Place (aka Quake dm6), /callvote map dm9), Blood Rage (The Rage (aka Quake II ztn2dm3), /callvote map dm10), Aero (Aerowalk, /callvote map dm11).
What servers are available right now?
The developers running Russian servers, however, there is a exe-file for starting your own server.
Also, check #bloodrun-chat-eng and #bloodrun-server on the RESP Discord channel.
Any VODs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG14172MLnQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R77Xlb1CO5Q
Players are required to stream their matches during the qualifiers for the big LAN tournament, so check their channels for VODs.
The developers are currently posting modification updates on Telegram, as well as on the RESP Discord channel (check #bloodrun-pts).
Should I get the original pk3 files for this?
Yes, if you have your Quake 3 copy installed from Steam/GOG/MS Store, then just launch bloodrun.exe. If not, it's gonna ask for Quake 3 folder location once at start.
Is this the same as Quake 3 Champions?
Yes, the new name of the modification is BLOODRUN.
What champions are currently available?
Anarki, Daemia (Galena), Keel, Mynx (Nyx), Ranger, Sorlag, Visor, Klesk (Death Knight).
There are also available Strogg (without Peeker) and Slash, but they are not done yet. You can choose them with a comands /champion strogg and /champion slash.
What maps are currently available?
Toxic Waste (Awoken, /callvote map dm1), Arabian Nights (Molten Falls, /callvote map dm2), Hangar 18 (Vale of Pnath, /callvote map dm3), Tech Zone (The Dark Zone (aka Quake dm6), /callvote map dm8), Dead Space (The Bad Place (aka Quake dm6), /callvote map dm9), Blood Rage (The Rage (aka Quake II ztn2dm3), /callvote map dm10), Aero (Aerowalk, /callvote map dm11).
What servers are available right now?
The developers running Russian servers, however, there is a exe-file for starting your own server.
Also, check #bloodrun-chat-eng and #bloodrun-server on the RESP Discord channel.
Any VODs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG14172MLnQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R77Xlb1CO5Q
Players are required to stream their matches during the qualifiers for the big LAN tournament, so check their channels for VODs.
Check Telegram or Discord (#bloodrun-pts).
- Added game logo
- Added DM12 Killing Machine map - Q2 remake of ztn2dm2 The Killing Machine map
- DM2 "Arabian Nights":
- added the inscriptions "<camping" and "Nikita was here" above the column where you can stand
- lattice fields are embedded in a clip
- the ability to place totems on rocks in the game area has been removed.
- In the area of ​​the upper snake tail, fields for shouting and changing the player have been made (above) to reduce the flight time to them.
- Removed stun after 50 ms. MG and LMG
- Increased LG rollback. It was 6 (on the ground), 8 (in the air). It became 8, 10
- Increased rocket speed. 1000 -> 1100 (experimental!)
- Added cg_zoomTime. Sets the zoom animation time
- The sound of switching weapons has been reworked: it has become quieter and appears in the animation.
- Added DM12 Killing Machine map - Q2 remake of ztn2dm2 The Killing Machine map
- DM2 "Arabian Nights":
- added the inscriptions "<camping" and "Nikita was here" above the column where you can stand
- lattice fields are embedded in a clip
- the ability to place totems on rocks in the game area has been removed.
- In the area of ​​the upper snake tail, fields for shouting and changing the player have been made (above) to reduce the flight time to them.
- Removed stun after 50 ms. MG and LMG
- Increased LG rollback. It was 6 (on the ground), 8 (in the air). It became 8, 10
- Increased rocket speed. 1000 -> 1100 (experimental!)
- Added cg_zoomTime. Sets the zoom animation time
- The sound of switching weapons has been reworked: it has become quieter and appears in the animation.
- LG:
- the stun when dealing damage on the ground in 50 ms has been removed. Now the stun is determined by the formula 2 Χ knockback
- increased knockback: 4 -> 6 on the ground, 6 -> 8 in the air
- Implemented a new cool respawn algorithm, proposed by Anton Singov (Cooller): equal probability of choosing three distant respawns
- DM8 Tech Zone:
- thickened the walls in the lower YA area
- player clips were replaced with orb clips to prevent the sphere from flying off the map
- DM10 Blood Rage weapons have been rebalanced on part of the map:
- PG replaced with MG
- one SG replaced with PG
- DM11 Aero: added three respawns beyond those in Quake Live
- For DM9, DM10 and DM11, the "cool" respawn algorithm is enabled
- Added variable cg_followKiller 0 | 1
- Removed followkiller command
- Fixed the problem of activating the ability after death (possibly!)
- the stun when dealing damage on the ground in 50 ms has been removed. Now the stun is determined by the formula 2 Χ knockback
- increased knockback: 4 -> 6 on the ground, 6 -> 8 in the air
- Implemented a new cool respawn algorithm, proposed by Anton Singov (Cooller): equal probability of choosing three distant respawns
- DM8 Tech Zone:
- thickened the walls in the lower YA area
- player clips were replaced with orb clips to prevent the sphere from flying off the map
- DM10 Blood Rage weapons have been rebalanced on part of the map:
- PG replaced with MG
- one SG replaced with PG
- DM11 Aero: added three respawns beyond those in Quake Live
- For DM9, DM10 and DM11, the "cool" respawn algorithm is enabled
- Added variable cg_followKiller 0 | 1
- Removed followkiller command
- Fixed the problem of activating the ability after death (possibly!)
- Changed totem damage: 50 -> 40/60 (normal/ultra-heavy)
- Changed totem projectile damage: 75 -> 40/60
- Increased the radius of damage to the totem: 75 -> 120 u
- The cooldown of the ability replenishment time has been brought into line with the grade of the first aid kit:
- 100 hp (MH) - 20%
- 50 hp - 10%
- 25 hp - 5%
- 5 hp - 1%
- Work continues on Tank Jr.: you can now dash only once per jump
- Added weapon switching sound
- Changed totem projectile damage: 75 -> 40/60
- Increased the radius of damage to the totem: 75 -> 120 u
- The cooldown of the ability replenishment time has been brought into line with the grade of the first aid kit:
- 100 hp (MH) - 20%
- 50 hp - 10%
- 25 hp - 5%
- 5 hp - 1%
- Work continues on Tank Jr.: you can now dash only once per jump
- Added weapon switching sound
- Janet model replaced by Q3 Daemia model (Major option)
- Added portrait of Daemia
- Updated dm11 Aero map:
- respawn on yellow armor is shifted to the right from the shot area
- the frequency of the sound (hum) heard by the timer has been reduced
- Fixed rocket flying through a wall, in some cases at an angle of 45 degrees
- Added portrait of Daemia
- Updated dm11 Aero map:
- respawn on yellow armor is shifted to the right from the shot area
- the frequency of the sound (hum) heard by the timer has been reduced
- Fixed rocket flying through a wall, in some cases at an angle of 45 degrees
- Mynx, when leaving invisibility, removes all burning and poisoning effects.
- Minx does not get set on fire while invisible.
- Fixed an issue with teleportation offset. Now you don't have to get stuck
- Teleport to tri-bolt has been fixed in Aero.
- Downgraded DX12 features. Should help with running the game on older video cards
- Minx does not get set on fire while invisible.
- Fixed an issue with teleportation offset. Now you don't have to get stuck
- Teleport to tri-bolt has been fixed in Aero.
- Downgraded DX12 features. Should help with running the game on older video cards
- ability changed. Now the horned one accumulates 3 fireballs and, depending on the charge, you can throw 1, 2 or 3 fireballs
- added ability icon
- fixed burning after death
Increased ability cooldown time. It was 45 seconds. everyone has now:
- Anarki, Galena, Visor, Sorlag - 50 sec.
- Mynx, Klesk, Ranger, Keel - 60 sec.
Removed totem telefrag. Now upon exiting the portal the totem will deal damage
- ability changed. Now the horned one accumulates 3 fireballs and, depending on the charge, you can throw 1, 2 or 3 fireballs
- added ability icon
- fixed burning after death
Increased ability cooldown time. It was 45 seconds. everyone has now:
- Anarki, Galena, Visor, Sorlag - 50 sec.
- Mynx, Klesk, Ranger, Keel - 60 sec.
Removed totem telefrag. Now upon exiting the portal the totem will deal damage
Added Klesk image
Added Tank Jr prototype. (Clutch mechanics from QC). champion tankjr
Added height accounting when entering and exiting the teleportal
Added an alternative visual style for LG in the form of a beam with color settings:
- cg_lightningBeamStyle 0 - classic style (default)
- cg_lightningBeamStyle 1 - beam
- cg_lightningBeamColor n beam color (from 0 to z)
Added disabling the death menu: cg_disableDeathMenu 1 (0 - default)
When the death menu is turned off, the time until respawn is displayed. Respawn by pressing the fire button
A display of the selected starting weapon has been added to the HUD, which can be changed during the game as a team or in the menu (using Esc). Example of setting up binds:
- bind 8 "starting_weapon machinegun"
- bind 9 "starting_weapon shotgun"
- bind 0 "starting_weapon plasmagun"
In the menu by Esc, incl. you can choose the next champion
Reduced the volume of armor picking sounds
Added new sound for picking up Yellow Armor
Added new sounds for picking up weapons and ammo boxes
Crosshair color selection now works in Q3 HUD
Added Tank Jr prototype. (Clutch mechanics from QC). champion tankjr
Added height accounting when entering and exiting the teleportal
Added an alternative visual style for LG in the form of a beam with color settings:
- cg_lightningBeamStyle 0 - classic style (default)
- cg_lightningBeamStyle 1 - beam
- cg_lightningBeamColor n beam color (from 0 to z)
Added disabling the death menu: cg_disableDeathMenu 1 (0 - default)
When the death menu is turned off, the time until respawn is displayed. Respawn by pressing the fire button
A display of the selected starting weapon has been added to the HUD, which can be changed during the game as a team or in the menu (using Esc). Example of setting up binds:
- bind 8 "starting_weapon machinegun"
- bind 9 "starting_weapon shotgun"
- bind 0 "starting_weapon plasmagun"
In the menu by Esc, incl. you can choose the next champion
Reduced the volume of armor picking sounds
Added new sound for picking up Yellow Armor
Added new sounds for picking up weapons and ammo boxes
Crosshair color selection now works in Q3 HUD
Fixed checking checksums of game files on the server side: sv_pure
Significantly increased the speed of Klesk fireballs: 460 -> 700
Klesk sounds have been temporarily replaced with Bones sounds
All servers are launched with sv_pure 1. Please make sure that you are using the original bloodrun and q3a files, otherwise you will not be able to play on the servers
Significantly increased the speed of Klesk fireballs: 460 -> 700
Klesk sounds have been temporarily replaced with Bones sounds
All servers are launched with sv_pure 1. Please make sure that you are using the original bloodrun and q3a files, otherwise you will not be able to play on the servers
Fixed rendering of the score in duel mode in the standard HUD
- Animation of burning from the face of the set player
- Hitting with a saw sets fire
- Increased self knockback from fireballs
- Slightly increased the speed of fireballs: 450 -> 460 ms
- Increased the height of the surface being set on fire by a fireball: 80 -> 185 u
- Increased fireball splash radius: 80 -> 120 u (now like a rocket)
- Increased burning time of the fire trail: 3 -> 5 sec
- Increased the width of the fire trail ignition: 10 -> 15 u
Increased saw hit damage: 50 -> 75
Reduced MG knockback: 9/15 -> 7
Increased LMG knockback: 6 -> 7
Increased the time the game does not react to input when exiting the teleport (teleportal hold time): 10 -> 150 ms
cg_predictItems set to 0 by default until fixed
- Animation of burning from the face of the set player
- Hitting with a saw sets fire
- Increased self knockback from fireballs
- Slightly increased the speed of fireballs: 450 -> 460 ms
- Increased the height of the surface being set on fire by a fireball: 80 -> 185 u
- Increased fireball splash radius: 80 -> 120 u (now like a rocket)
- Increased burning time of the fire trail: 3 -> 5 sec
- Increased the width of the fire trail ignition: 10 -> 15 u
Increased saw hit damage: 50 -> 75
Reduced MG knockback: 9/15 -> 7
Increased LMG knockback: 6 -> 7
Increased the time the game does not react to input when exiting the teleport (teleportal hold time): 10 -> 150 ms
cg_predictItems set to 0 by default until fixed
Increased the radius of picking up items
Teleport exit delay reduced to 10 ms, speed limiter removed
Improved spectator HUD:
- information about hp and armor of players
- information about ability
- information about RA and MH
New sounds:
- 25 HP
- M.H.
- 5 armor shards
- 25 Green Armor
- 50 Yellow Armor
- 100 Red Armor
Klesk (DK):
- implemented fire trails
- implemented an explosion of each fireball
- angle selected
- balanced damage and splash damage
Visor: added a new passive ability - switching from any weapon to RG is twice as fast
Keel: Increased the number of grenades to 5 (from 3)
Teleport exit delay reduced to 10 ms, speed limiter removed
Improved spectator HUD:
- information about hp and armor of players
- information about ability
- information about RA and MH
New sounds:
- 25 HP
- M.H.
- 5 armor shards
- 25 Green Armor
- 50 Yellow Armor
- 100 Red Armor
Klesk (DK):
- implemented fire trails
- implemented an explosion of each fireball
- angle selected
- balanced damage and splash damage
Visor: added a new passive ability - switching from any weapon to RG is twice as fast
Keel: Increased the number of grenades to 5 (from 3)
Fixed a problem with frequent loss of sounds
Visually, tribolt bolts explode on the surface, not inside textures
Galena totems now ride elevators correctly
Added two settings to disable ridicule:
- g_noTaunt (server variable)
- cg_noTaunt (client)
Visually, tribolt bolts explode on the surface, not inside textures
Galena totems now ride elevators correctly
Added two settings to disable ridicule:
- g_noTaunt (server variable)
- cg_noTaunt (client)
Added setting the location of the weaponbar on the HUD:
- cg_weaponBar 0 QC style (default)
- cg_weaponBar 1 QL style, left
- cg_weaponBar 2 QL style, right
- cg_weaponBar 3 QL style, centered
- Reduced the number of ammo when the warning is triggered:
- LG, PG, MG - 29 pcs.
- RG, RL, TB, SG - 4 pcs.
Added cg_nomipRockets 1 - disables rocket blur at r_picmip
Increased the player event queue (from 2 to 4), which should help prevent some sounds from randomly disappearing
When placing the weaponbar in the center (cg_weaponBar 3), it will be aesthetically pleasing to move the ability circle of the cg_abilityGagueOffset variable (a negative value moves to the left, a positive value to the right).
- cg_weaponBar 0 QC style (default)
- cg_weaponBar 1 QL style, left
- cg_weaponBar 2 QL style, right
- cg_weaponBar 3 QL style, centered
- Reduced the number of ammo when the warning is triggered:
- LG, PG, MG - 29 pcs.
- RG, RL, TB, SG - 4 pcs.
Added cg_nomipRockets 1 - disables rocket blur at r_picmip
Increased the player event queue (from 2 to 4), which should help prevent some sounds from randomly disappearing
When placing the weaponbar in the center (cg_weaponBar 3), it will be aesthetically pleasing to move the ability circle of the cg_abilityGagueOffset variable (a negative value moves to the left, a positive value to the right).
Updated DM1 Toxic Waste:
- the hole in the red armor has been sealed, now its impossible to get through :(
Updated DM10 Blood Rage:
- the balance of ammunition has been changed, they are distributed more evenly and removed from your weapon
- stands for objects are placed
- frequency of sound repeating on timer has been reduced
- added a couple of decorative elements
Updated DM11 Aero:
- the red armor platform has been slightly expanded, similar to Quake Live and the old Q3 version of the map (hub3aeroq3)
- stands for objects and teleportation points have been placed in three places with redesign
- frequency of sound repeating on timer has been reduced
- reworked level shot
Added cg_nomip* variables that control blur when r_picmip:
- cg_nomip 0|1 (1 is default)
- cg_nomipLightningShaft 0|1
- cg_nomipExplosions 0|1
- cg_nomipPlasmaBolt 0|1
- cg_nomipBullets 0|1
- cg_nomipSmoke 0|1
- cg_nomipBlood 0|1
- cg_nomipMarks 0|1
- cg_nomipAcid 0|1
Ranger's sphere damage has been changed:
- touch: 75 -> 15
- explosion: 1 .. 100 -> 10 .. 75
Changed hitboxes of champions:
- light: 13 -> 14 u
- average: 15 u (remained the same)
- heavy: 17 -> 16 u
Fixed m_zoomSpeed (previous behavior returned)
Fixed hitsounds
Fixed rendering of players on the hud when entering the server
- the hole in the red armor has been sealed, now its impossible to get through :(
Updated DM10 Blood Rage:
- the balance of ammunition has been changed, they are distributed more evenly and removed from your weapon
- stands for objects are placed
- frequency of sound repeating on timer has been reduced
- added a couple of decorative elements
Updated DM11 Aero:
- the red armor platform has been slightly expanded, similar to Quake Live and the old Q3 version of the map (hub3aeroq3)
- stands for objects and teleportation points have been placed in three places with redesign
- frequency of sound repeating on timer has been reduced
- reworked level shot
Added cg_nomip* variables that control blur when r_picmip:
- cg_nomip 0|1 (1 is default)
- cg_nomipLightningShaft 0|1
- cg_nomipExplosions 0|1
- cg_nomipPlasmaBolt 0|1
- cg_nomipBullets 0|1
- cg_nomipSmoke 0|1
- cg_nomipBlood 0|1
- cg_nomipMarks 0|1
- cg_nomipAcid 0|1
Ranger's sphere damage has been changed:
- touch: 75 -> 15
- explosion: 1 .. 100 -> 10 .. 75
Changed hitboxes of champions:
- light: 13 -> 14 u
- average: 15 u (remained the same)
- heavy: 17 -> 16 u
Fixed m_zoomSpeed (previous behavior returned)
Fixed hitsounds
Fixed rendering of players on the hud when entering the server
Updated DM1 Toxic Waste:
- the hole in the wall was sealed to prevent players from entering it
- removed the ability to stand behind a wall in two places
- the ability to stand in a deadly swamp in two places has been removed
- invisible obstacles in the hole near the powerup have been fixed so that there is more space there; decreased chance of slipping into a swamp
The abilities system has been thoroughly reworked (functioning/synchronization):
- Fixed a bug with a negative ability time value (after respawn)
- Possibly fixed ability delays
Implemented client feedback prediction for hitscan guns. You can configure each separately:
- cg_predictFeedback 0|1 (0 - default; disabled for everything)
- cg_predictFeedback_LG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_MG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_RG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_SG 0|1
Added lag compensation settings for each hitscan gun:
- cg_delag 0|1 (1 - default, enabled for everything)
- cg_delag_LG 0|1
- cg_delag_MG 0|1
- cg_delag_RG 0|1
- cg_delag_SG 0|1
Implemented text and sound notification Low Ammo
- cg_drawAmmoWarning 1 (default) - displays information about low ammo
- When the ammo threshold is reached, the counter turns orange and a click is played:
-- LG, PG, MG - 50 pcs.
-- RG, RL, TB, SG - 5 pcs.
Added setting to disable flips of Mynx, Visor and Ranger: cg_playerBackflip 0
Removed cg_changeWeaponNoAmmoSound due to notification implementation
Removed cg_changeWeaponSound. Decided to always play weapon switching sound due to impact on gameplay
The sound of switching weapons has been temporarily replaced with the original one
Reduced knockback:
- LG: 6 -> 4 (on the ground), 6 (in the air) remained the same
- SG: 4 -> 3 (per pellet)
- RG: 80 -> 60
Galena: decrease in overheal by 1hp per 3 seconds
Implemented zoom synchronization for spectator and demos
In tournament mode, no spectator is now displayed in the hud as a player
- the hole in the wall was sealed to prevent players from entering it
- removed the ability to stand behind a wall in two places
- the ability to stand in a deadly swamp in two places has been removed
- invisible obstacles in the hole near the powerup have been fixed so that there is more space there; decreased chance of slipping into a swamp
The abilities system has been thoroughly reworked (functioning/synchronization):
- Fixed a bug with a negative ability time value (after respawn)
- Possibly fixed ability delays
Implemented client feedback prediction for hitscan guns. You can configure each separately:
- cg_predictFeedback 0|1 (0 - default; disabled for everything)
- cg_predictFeedback_LG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_MG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_RG 0|1
- cg_predictFeedback_SG 0|1
Added lag compensation settings for each hitscan gun:
- cg_delag 0|1 (1 - default, enabled for everything)
- cg_delag_LG 0|1
- cg_delag_MG 0|1
- cg_delag_RG 0|1
- cg_delag_SG 0|1
Implemented text and sound notification Low Ammo
- cg_drawAmmoWarning 1 (default) - displays information about low ammo
- When the ammo threshold is reached, the counter turns orange and a click is played:
-- LG, PG, MG - 50 pcs.
-- RG, RL, TB, SG - 5 pcs.
Added setting to disable flips of Mynx, Visor and Ranger: cg_playerBackflip 0
Removed cg_changeWeaponNoAmmoSound due to notification implementation
Removed cg_changeWeaponSound. Decided to always play weapon switching sound due to impact on gameplay
The sound of switching weapons has been temporarily replaced with the original one
Reduced knockback:
- LG: 6 -> 4 (on the ground), 6 (in the air) remained the same
- SG: 4 -> 3 (per pellet)
- RG: 80 -> 60
Galena: decrease in overheal by 1hp per 3 seconds
Implemented zoom synchronization for spectator and demos
In tournament mode, no spectator is now displayed in the hud as a player
Visor: Fixed the problem of enemy invisibility through walls (played on dm10)
Mynx: Removed the sound of switching weapons while invisible
Sorlag: Poison tick counter resets if you step on the poison again
Klesk (DK): Implemented a champion prototype. champion dk
Added debugging information for investigating server restarts
Mynx: Removed the sound of switching weapons while invisible
Sorlag: Poison tick counter resets if you step on the poison again
Klesk (DK): Implemented a champion prototype. champion dk
Added debugging information for investigating server restarts
Updated DM1 Toxic Waste: Orbclips
Updated DM11 Aero: 5 hp bubbles replaced with one 25 hp
Fixed movement keys getting stuck after respawning
Fixed missing ascent sounds on the jumppad
Added landing sound from jumppad when edge grabbing
PG sounds are temporarily replaced with original q3a ones
Teleportation sounds are temporarily replaced with the original q3a
New sound for picking up shards (5 armor)
The type of RG beam has been replaced with monotonous
Updated DM11 Aero: 5 hp bubbles replaced with one 25 hp
Fixed movement keys getting stuck after respawning
Fixed missing ascent sounds on the jumppad
Added landing sound from jumppad when edge grabbing
PG sounds are temporarily replaced with original q3a ones
Teleportation sounds are temporarily replaced with the original q3a
New sound for picking up shards (5 armor)
The type of RG beam has been replaced with monotonous
Updated DM2 Arabian Nights:
- The tail of the snake is sealed so that Ranger does not penetrate into it
- Removed the ability to stand on the rocks behind the edge of the platform at MH
- Added wind sound on the open part of the map
Updated DM9 Dead Space:
- Fixed hole for Ranger sphere
- New lava
Updated DM10 Blood Rage:
- Shards are replaced with green armor
- Fixed holes for the Ranger sphere
- Removed "legs" of elevators
Updated DM11 Aero:
- Shards replaced with green armor (25 armor)
- The angle for a direct jump on RA has been cut even more
- Orbclips
- Lighting and minor cosmetic improvements
Added green armor for 25 units
Removed the CHAMPIONS menu upon death. The choice of champions and starting guns is now immediately available
Changed fall damage:
- Heavy champion: 5 (mid height) and 10 (high)
- Average champion: 3 and 8
- Lightweight champion: 1 and 6
Only Blood Run maps are now displayed in the map selection menu
Ability progress detail
Fixed the problem of the inability to continue the game after finishing (in FFA and TDM)
Fixed the disappearance of the partners outline in TDM
- The tail of the snake is sealed so that Ranger does not penetrate into it
- Removed the ability to stand on the rocks behind the edge of the platform at MH
- Added wind sound on the open part of the map
Updated DM9 Dead Space:
- Fixed hole for Ranger sphere
- New lava
Updated DM10 Blood Rage:
- Shards are replaced with green armor
- Fixed holes for the Ranger sphere
- Removed "legs" of elevators
Updated DM11 Aero:
- Shards replaced with green armor (25 armor)
- The angle for a direct jump on RA has been cut even more
- Orbclips
- Lighting and minor cosmetic improvements
Added green armor for 25 units
Removed the CHAMPIONS menu upon death. The choice of champions and starting guns is now immediately available
Changed fall damage:
- Heavy champion: 5 (mid height) and 10 (high)
- Average champion: 3 and 8
- Lightweight champion: 1 and 6
Only Blood Run maps are now displayed in the map selection menu
Ability progress detail
Fixed the problem of the inability to continue the game after finishing (in FFA and TDM)
Fixed the disappearance of the partners outline in TDM
- Added DM11 Aero map. Remake of the legendary Aerowalk map
Updated DM2 Arabian Nights:
- Added a second tier of walls in the room with RA and a grate above PG, jumppads were redesigned so that their visual effect was more noticeable
- Reduced the height of the jumppad effect on MH so as not to interfere with the player's view from above
- Fixed the inability to jump into the window on RL from the jumppad from MH.
- Added a gap for shooting RL while standing on a column above MH.
- The lighting of cameras with skeletons on RA has been changed to more natural
- Added wall decoration elements throughout the level, filled empty spaces, added stains and gouges on the walls
- Added vegetation in the form of mushrooms and fern leaves on the islands of earth
- Added conical columns and a couple of decorative panels to the top of the level
- Fixed z-fighting location near LG and crescent moon model on the dome
- Large-scale selective clipping of the entire map
- Added the ability to play with bots
Ranger: added splash damage spheres
Ranger: added explosion of the sphere at the end of time ability upon contact with a surface
Razor: many different improvements
Fixed a bug in playing the sound of your own ability when using an enemys ability
Sound distance has been significantly increased
- Added frag sound. cg_killbeep 1 (default). 0 disabled
Reduced the number of sounds of jibs flying apart when killed
An attempt to fix the visibility of the enemys stroke through walls (when switching from spectators)
Added fun spray mechanics (like in Half-Life). You can bind the +spray command via the console or interface. Adds the ability to draw on the surface after killing an enemy
- Added DM11 Aero map. Remake of the legendary Aerowalk map
Updated DM2 Arabian Nights:
- Added a second tier of walls in the room with RA and a grate above PG, jumppads were redesigned so that their visual effect was more noticeable
- Reduced the height of the jumppad effect on MH so as not to interfere with the player's view from above
- Fixed the inability to jump into the window on RL from the jumppad from MH.
- Added a gap for shooting RL while standing on a column above MH.
- The lighting of cameras with skeletons on RA has been changed to more natural
- Added wall decoration elements throughout the level, filled empty spaces, added stains and gouges on the walls
- Added vegetation in the form of mushrooms and fern leaves on the islands of earth
- Added conical columns and a couple of decorative panels to the top of the level
- Fixed z-fighting location near LG and crescent moon model on the dome
- Large-scale selective clipping of the entire map
- Added the ability to play with bots
Ranger: added splash damage spheres
Ranger: added explosion of the sphere at the end of time ability upon contact with a surface
Razor: many different improvements
Fixed a bug in playing the sound of your own ability when using an enemys ability
Sound distance has been significantly increased
- Added frag sound. cg_killbeep 1 (default). 0 disabled
Reduced the number of sounds of jibs flying apart when killed
An attempt to fix the visibility of the enemys stroke through walls (when switching from spectators)
Added fun spray mechanics (like in Half-Life). You can bind the +spray command via the console or interface. Adds the ability to draw on the surface after killing an enemy
Added map DM10 (Blood Rage). Remake of map ztn2dm3 (The Rage) from Q2
Updated DM9:
- New room
- Added clock
- New lava texture
Added a raw version of the champion Razor (Eisen). You can select it with the command: champion razor
Added outline of models (outlines)
cg_enemySkin default the standard skin of the model (now, due to the outline, it is set by default).
cg_enemySkin pm - colored skin.
cg_friendSkin - similar to cg_enemySkin, but adjusts your model and your partner.
cg_enemyColors 123456 - The 6th character adjusts the color of the stroke, like other characters it can be from 1 to 9 and from a to z.
cg_friendColors - Same as cg_enemyColors, but adjusts your and your partner's colors.
Which symbol is responsible for which color can be seen here: http://cpma-news.org/guides/content/config/clientsettings#colors
Added map DM10 (Blood Rage). Remake of map ztn2dm3 (The Rage) from Q2
Updated DM9:
- New room
- Added clock
- New lava texture
Added a raw version of the champion Razor (Eisen). You can select it with the command: champion razor
Added outline of models (outlines)
cg_enemySkin default the standard skin of the model (now, due to the outline, it is set by default).
cg_enemySkin pm - colored skin.
cg_friendSkin - similar to cg_enemySkin, but adjusts your model and your partner.
cg_enemyColors 123456 - The 6th character adjusts the color of the stroke, like other characters it can be from 1 to 9 and from a to z.
cg_friendColors - Same as cg_enemyColors, but adjusts your and your partner's colors.
Which symbol is responsible for which color can be seen here: http://cpma-news.org/guides/content/config/clientsettings#colors
Added alpha version of the DM9 (Dead Space) map. Remake q1dm4
Updated DM2:
- Reworked general lighting, eliminating areas with dim light
- Created a second tier of walls in the main hall
- Arches are decorated (preliminarily, changes are possible)
- Added colored lamps
- Added ventilation grilles and cracks in the walls
- Improved clipping of most of the map
Added a change in the color of the corpse at the time of respawn
The totem is now destroyed when placed in acid or lava
Fixed a bug displaying Sorlag spitting from the face of an infected player
Removed the display of spectators in the list of players in FFA mode
Updated DM2:
- Reworked general lighting, eliminating areas with dim light
- Created a second tier of walls in the main hall
- Arches are decorated (preliminarily, changes are possible)
- Added colored lamps
- Added ventilation grilles and cracks in the walls
- Improved clipping of most of the map
Added a change in the color of the corpse at the time of respawn
The totem is now destroyed when placed in acid or lava
Fixed a bug displaying Sorlag spitting from the face of an infected player
Removed the display of spectators in the list of players in FFA mode
Updated DM2:
- Added Asian style central dome
- Decorated the walls and floor of the central hall and the areas below and above MH
- Added visual damage to walls and snake tails protruding from cracks in the walls
- Decorated the floor in the LG area
- Redid the design of the corridor from MH to LG
- Increased the size of the shot from RG to the two first aid kits below MH
- Redesigned jumpads
- Slightly increased the strength of jumpads
- Added cages with skeletons around RA
TB: fixed a bug with bolts disappearing
Mynx: fixed a bug with passing through moving objects (doors, floor on DM8)
Changed respawn timings:
- HP25: 30 sec. -> 15 sec. (as in QC)
- Ammo boxes: 5 sec. -> 20 sec. for TOURNAMENT and TDM; 1 sec. -> 20 sec. for FFA. (as in QC)
Changed despawn timings after killing:
- Shards: 30 sec. -> 15 sec. (as in QC)
- Weapons: 30 sec. -> 20 sec. (as in QC)
Repeated selection of MG, PG and LG guns now gives +10 ammo, provided the ammo stack is full (as in QC)
Changed the maximum number of cartridges:
- RG: 25 -> 15
- TB: 15 -> 25
- Added Asian style central dome
- Decorated the walls and floor of the central hall and the areas below and above MH
- Added visual damage to walls and snake tails protruding from cracks in the walls
- Decorated the floor in the LG area
- Redid the design of the corridor from MH to LG
- Increased the size of the shot from RG to the two first aid kits below MH
- Redesigned jumpads
- Slightly increased the strength of jumpads
- Added cages with skeletons around RA
TB: fixed a bug with bolts disappearing
Mynx: fixed a bug with passing through moving objects (doors, floor on DM8)
Changed respawn timings:
- HP25: 30 sec. -> 15 sec. (as in QC)
- Ammo boxes: 5 sec. -> 20 sec. for TOURNAMENT and TDM; 1 sec. -> 20 sec. for FFA. (as in QC)
Changed despawn timings after killing:
- Shards: 30 sec. -> 15 sec. (as in QC)
- Weapons: 30 sec. -> 20 sec. (as in QC)
Repeated selection of MG, PG and LG guns now gives +10 ammo, provided the ammo stack is full (as in QC)
Changed the maximum number of cartridges:
- RG: 25 -> 15
- TB: 15 -> 25
LSG: Added a new starting shotgun model
Sorlag: added effect of spitting
Anarki: added the effect of using a syringe
Visor: increased speed during visor by 10% (320 -> 352)
Sorlag: added effect of spitting
Anarki: added the effect of using a syringe
Visor: increased speed during visor by 10% (320 -> 352)
Mynx: sounds removed when invisible
Mynx: the display of weapons in stealth has been changed from blue to white (to remove the association with the quad)
Keel: now 3 grenades (was 5)
Added variable cg_ambientSound 0|1 disables/enables map ambient sounds
Added variables: s_volumeEffects, s_volumeLocal and s_volumeAnnouncer adjust the sound level on channels
s_khz is now 44 by default (was 22).
Now s_volume is now master volume, other s_volume* variables are relative to s_volume.
s_volumeLocal level of local client sounds (for example, hitsound)
s_volumeAnnouncer announcers voice level
s_volumeEffects the level of all other sound effects
Servers available: PTS MSK1, PTS MSK 2, PTS SPB 1
Mynx: the display of weapons in stealth has been changed from blue to white (to remove the association with the quad)
Keel: now 3 grenades (was 5)
Added variable cg_ambientSound 0|1 disables/enables map ambient sounds
Added variables: s_volumeEffects, s_volumeLocal and s_volumeAnnouncer adjust the sound level on channels
s_khz is now 44 by default (was 22).
Now s_volume is now master volume, other s_volume* variables are relative to s_volume.
s_volumeLocal level of local client sounds (for example, hitsound)
s_volumeAnnouncer announcers voice level
s_volumeEffects the level of all other sound effects
Servers available: PTS MSK1, PTS MSK 2, PTS SPB 1
Fixed receiving splash damage through ceilings
Fixed totem glow through ceilings
Removed the formula for calculating knockback of a non-linear nature
RL knockback = 90
RL knockback vs self = 120 (as in QC)
TB knockback = 50 (as in QC)
PG knockback vs self = 30 (28 QC)
LPG knockback vs self = 28 (as in QC)
RG knockback = 60 (as in QC)
Keel grenade knockback = 50 (as in QC)
Keel grenade knockback vs self = 125 (in QC 100)
Quad no longer affects knockback, only increases damage
Now enemies don't fly off like balls from a rocket, but behave predictably and terribly similar to QC.
RJ should become more predictable due to the introduction of a linear coefficient.
Fixed totem glow through ceilings
Removed the formula for calculating knockback of a non-linear nature
RL knockback = 90
RL knockback vs self = 120 (as in QC)
TB knockback = 50 (as in QC)
PG knockback vs self = 30 (28 QC)
LPG knockback vs self = 28 (as in QC)
RG knockback = 60 (as in QC)
Keel grenade knockback = 50 (as in QC)
Keel grenade knockback vs self = 125 (in QC 100)
Quad no longer affects knockback, only increases damage
Now enemies don't fly off like balls from a rocket, but behave predictably and terribly similar to QC.
RJ should become more predictable due to the introduction of a linear coefficient.
Added orbclip mechanism. Known locations closed on DM1, DM3 and DM8
DM3: playerclips are placed in the pit above the flying stones and above the slippery rock
DM3: trigger_hurt under the ceiling reduced to 15 (from 100) and made hissing when dealing damage
Removed advertising banners from DM1, DM3 and DM8
DM3: playerclips are placed in the pit above the flying stones and above the slippery rock
DM3: trigger_hurt under the ceiling reduced to 15 (from 100) and made hissing when dealing damage
Removed advertising banners from DM1, DM3 and DM8
Optimized DM1
Added alpha DM2
Improved DM3
Added DM8
Added Mynx
Fixed speeds of Keel, Anarki, Sorlag
Anarki and Sorlag movement strangled
Changed speed, range, damage of Keel cans
Added alpha DM2
Improved DM3
Added DM8
Added Mynx
Fixed speeds of Keel, Anarki, Sorlag
Anarki and Sorlag movement strangled
Changed speed, range, damage of Keel cans
Edited by d1z at 19:46 CDT, 26 June 2024 - 13368 Hits