This autumn we are hosting a QuakeLive CTF 4v4 league, just as in the good old days. The main difference with lots of other CTF-related events is the format: it is not a draft but a team event: you must find an existing team to join or create one yourself. There are already about 40 people ready to play, and we already have three teams.
Region: Europe
Duration: depends on the number of teams and the pace, from one month.
Schedule: Flexible. The league starts on the first week of September. End date - TBD.
Format: Groups, then double elimination.
Prize pool: 1000+ euros
Divisions: Depending on the teams registered, by the agreement with the others, we will have either one division or two. The first division will consist of the best players based on the community knowledge and/or the House Of Quake ratings at the time before the league starts; the second will be of the teams, the players of which are less experienced and/or have lower ratings.
Team roster limit: Only five people are allowed in a team.
Maps: q3wcp9, japanesecatles, infinity, troubledwaters, ironworks.
Team limit: ~
Servers: Custom private servers.
Streamers: TBD
Sponsors: TBD
Rules: TBD
Discord: https://discord.gg/qd8Krx7kTk
If you want to participate, please join the discord.
In this discord, not only can you find other players to team up with, but you can also play pickups and stay up-to-date with this league and, possibly, future leagues.
Once you gather a team, contact the administrators in the #general channel: anyone with the "Custom Shop QL Team" role.
The non-full list of already registered teams (some preferred not to be mentioned):
SHREKTALIKA: dem0n headz Makie Mastermind yNAM
UnnamedTeam: ph0enx iceman jcb ion
Edited by Lam at 06:07 CDT, 6 July 2024 - 4315 Hits