>This wallpaper was created by Rasmus "ElCoCiNerO" Wängelin.
>Disclaimer/Legal notice:
All graphics and content of this wallpaper was produced by Elcocinero and is copyrighted.
You are allowed to use the wallpaper only as what it is intended for, meaning as a
desktop background on your personal computer.
>ElCoCinerO - all rights reserved ©
>Contact me @ Rasmus.wangelin@home.se
>Disclaimer/Legal notice:
All graphics and content of this wallpaper was produced by Elcocinero and is copyrighted.
You are allowed to use the wallpaper only as what it is intended for, meaning as a
desktop background on your personal computer.
>ElCoCinerO - all rights reserved ©
>Contact me @ Rasmus.wangelin@home.se
Edited by Sujoy at 15:14 GMT, 4th Sep 2005 - 10972 Hits