Get ready for some oldschool ultra-violence!
The highly anticipated QuakeWorld video called 'QuakeWorld Reloaded' has now been officially released. The theme is basically much like the famous 'Frags Done Extreme'-movies (FDE for short). If you haven't already seen those, I suggest you to go and grab them over at the blueyonder QuakeWorld movie-archive. There you'll find all QW videos ever released.
The movie runs for a steady 23 minutes and features awesome frags and highlights by some of the best players from all around the world. It contains a lot of funny scenes as well, including some spectacular bores/teamkills and a small trickjump contest between dag and mescon. The film ends with a part showing off the thrilling ending of the ClanBase final between clan MalFunction
and FiringSquad
. The soundtrack is great varried and features both well known music like Rammstein, The Offspring, and Marilyn Manson, that fit really well into the frantic action, but also classical music as well as some funky techno.
If you would like to get in contact with me regarding this film or possible future projects, you could do it via e-mail (jebur[at] or over IRC (#euthanasia at QuakeNet). All constructive criticism and comments would be much appreciated.
The movie comes in three sizes/qualitys depending on your bandwidth. Download and enjoy! :)
The highly anticipated QuakeWorld video called 'QuakeWorld Reloaded' has now been officially released. The theme is basically much like the famous 'Frags Done Extreme'-movies (FDE for short). If you haven't already seen those, I suggest you to go and grab them over at the blueyonder QuakeWorld movie-archive. There you'll find all QW videos ever released.

If you would like to get in contact with me regarding this film or possible future projects, you could do it via e-mail (jebur[at] or over IRC (#euthanasia at QuakeNet). All constructive criticism and comments would be much appreciated.
The movie comes in three sizes/qualitys depending on your bandwidth. Download and enjoy! :)
- Movie File - (Very) Low Quality ( 87MB
- (270 clicks)
- (107 clicks)
- (46 clicks)
- (80 clicks)
- (5 clicks)
- Movie File - Medium Quality ( 147MB
- (115 clicks)
- (288 clicks)
- (291 clicks)
- (105 clicks)
- (4 clicks)
- Movie File - High Quality ( 298MB
- (489 clicks)
- (1829 clicks)
- (680 clicks)
- (452 clicks)
- (32 clicks)
Edited by jebur at 16:46 GMT, 3rd Sep 2003 - 71972 Hits
I'm gonna dl right away ffs