New korean quake3 movie released.
This movie is already famous in Korea and world quakers will have opportunity to watch a movie featuring frags made by our korean quakers.
Used demos were taken from big events (wcg, quakecon, cpl) and some friendly matches.
*Movie info :
- 640 x 480
- DivX Pro 5.1
- Running time is 10min 13 sec
- 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo sound
- 30 fps
*Game info :
- Quake III Arena v1.32
- 1024 x 768 full option quality
- CPMA mod
This movie requires DivX codec v5.1 or higher version so if you have problems with video or sound, please check your DivX version.
(DivX v5.1 Bundle is included in the zip file)
have fun! :)
New korean quake3 movie released.
This movie is already famous in Korea and world quakers will have opportunity to watch a movie featuring frags made by our korean quakers.
Used demos were taken from big events (wcg, quakecon, cpl) and some friendly matches.
*Movie info :
- 640 x 480
- DivX Pro 5.1
- Running time is 10min 13 sec
- 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo sound
- 30 fps
*Game info :
- Quake III Arena v1.32
- 1024 x 768 full option quality
- CPMA mod
This movie requires DivX codec v5.1 or higher version so if you have problems with video or sound, please check your DivX version.
(DivX v5.1 Bundle is included in the zip file)
have fun! :)
- Movie File (quakers instinct) 245MB
- http://www.quake4ever.co.kr (354 clicks)
Edited by zet at 09:45 GMT, 24th Nov 2003 - 28652 Hits