As far as I know, no good ones have been developed yet. At least nothing commercial. I've tried one of the generic brand ones and about all it did was cause massive headaches in both setting it up/getting it to work and using it.
The results from it working are less than impressive, also - stereo quake looks more 3d.
I have some early version of the i-glasses, and they totally blows. You get a headache wearing them cause then have to be so tight on to not fall off. But of course they are oold now =)
My brother got some PC 3D glasses, they made it look pretty cool, BUT it crashed any games after like 20 seconds and generally made things unstable. So we had to dump them.
I would have liked to see if they made air rockets theory, 3D perception of motion = 1337 air rox.
Of course, they are advertized as "You've never seen Lara Croft like THIS before" o_0
BTW, the reviews are probably right about how it depends a lot on the game engine. E.g. iirc smoke puffs from rockets in Quake 3 are done with 2D images, so they should look weird in a 3D world. Also, since it is switching eyes, it will only give you the appearance of 1/2 of your normal FPS.
I've read a couple of reviews and all have been positive. I don't intend on playing Q3 only really. That is probably the last game im thinking of playing. Morrowind for example (which is meant to be really good with them). Cool to puff some laala and put em on :)