No, it isn't a frag movie were you show-off you can shoot better then anybody else and it's also not a show-off movie how you can jump l33ter then anyone else. It's a big real-life parody on the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and can be classed as one of the funniest movies made in the history of RTCW/ET.
The .avi movie is 5 mins, 10 secs long (80megs in size) and requires the DIVX codec.
The .avi movie is 5 mins, 10 secs long (80megs in size) and requires the DIVX codec.
- Movie File ( 80MB
- Enemy-Territory.DE (595 clicks)
- SWErtcw (315 clicks)
Edited by Black2lip at 11:09 GMT, 16th Jan 2004 - 33646 Hits