View Coverage: QCON2004
Location: MESQUITE, Texas
Duration: 12 Aug 2004 to 15 Aug 2004
MESQUITE, Texas - March 15, 2004 – Pack the car, buy the airline ticket, or get a new pair of walking shoes – just do whatever it takes to be at QuakeCon 2004. The 9th annual QuakeCon video game festival and tournament storms into town August 12-15 at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. This annual fan pilgrimage to the largest, most awe-inspiring North American LAN event will be a four day adrenaline-pumping party with 5,000 of your closest friends. With 24 hour-a-day entertainment, action, and activities QuakeCon is open to video game fans worldwide completely free of charge. First-come, first-serve online registration for QuakeCon 2004 will begin at 9:00 PM EST on Wednesday, April 14 at
To reserve a room, call the Gaylord Texan at 866-782-7897. To receive special negotiated room rates of $109 for single or double occupancy and $119 for triple or quad occupancy, QuakeCon attendees should inform the reservation desk that they’ll be at the hotel for QUAKECON. Additional information regarding the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center is available at
Update: The reservations issue has been resolved. If you made a reservation on Monday night, you should call the hotel, and make sure they have the correct discounted rate for you. Parking is free for all attendees. Reservations are coming in way faster than we anticipated, we suggest you avoid delay if possible, in order to get a good room.
Location: MESQUITE, Texas
Duration: 12 Aug 2004 to 15 Aug 2004
MESQUITE, Texas - March 15, 2004 – Pack the car, buy the airline ticket, or get a new pair of walking shoes – just do whatever it takes to be at QuakeCon 2004. The 9th annual QuakeCon video game festival and tournament storms into town August 12-15 at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. This annual fan pilgrimage to the largest, most awe-inspiring North American LAN event will be a four day adrenaline-pumping party with 5,000 of your closest friends. With 24 hour-a-day entertainment, action, and activities QuakeCon is open to video game fans worldwide completely free of charge. First-come, first-serve online registration for QuakeCon 2004 will begin at 9:00 PM EST on Wednesday, April 14 at
"QuakeCon is the Woodstock of gaming, with thousands of fans from around the world coming together for 4-days of non-stop competition, parties, and just hanging out with friends,” said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “QuakeCon attendees expect the biggest and best -- they won’t be disappointed. There simply is no equal.”The new venue will house the largest-ever BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) area accommodating 3,000 players, an increase of 1,000 seats from last year’s packed house of 2,000. The four-day event will erupt with contests, workshops, hardware and software demos/exhibits, give-aways, loud parties and white-knuckle tournament action – attracting top players from around the globe.
To reserve a room, call the Gaylord Texan at 866-782-7897. To receive special negotiated room rates of $109 for single or double occupancy and $119 for triple or quad occupancy, QuakeCon attendees should inform the reservation desk that they’ll be at the hotel for QUAKECON. Additional information regarding the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center is available at
Update: The reservations issue has been resolved. If you made a reservation on Monday night, you should call the hotel, and make sure they have the correct discounted rate for you. Parking is free for all attendees. Reservations are coming in way faster than we anticipated, we suggest you avoid delay if possible, in order to get a good room.
Edited by Sujoy at 12:34 CST, 31 December 2006 - 12890 Hits