"The Second Generation" is an OSP Duel and TDM frag movie, featuring four highly skilled Danish quakers. Each player has been given three to four minutes of video time to show off his meanest frags, and the result is nothing less than second generation quaking. TSG is best viewed with Windows Mediaplayer 9.0, or the lastest DivX player.
Enjoy. -lsd`junkie
The editing is in my opinion really awesome here, the movie is however without in-game sound, the movie is around 17 minutes long and weighs around 345 mb.
Enjoy. -lsd`junkie
The editing is in my opinion really awesome here, the movie is however without in-game sound, the movie is around 17 minutes long and weighs around 345 mb.
- Movie File - The Second Generation (the_second_generation.rar) 345MB
- PlanetQuake3.net (689 clicks)
Edited by RogeR1 at 15:48 GMT, 25th May 2004 - 40684 Hits
Nice movie :)