The UTCTF Spanish clan PLOF! (first spanish clan of any game to enter Clanba se Hall o Fame two years ago, after placing 3rd in the premiere division OC) have finally released their first UT Movie after some months of hard work.
The movie has a length of 13:37 minutes ;) featuring some nice flagruns and lots of frags (mostly CTF but also DM) synchronized with different sorts of music (no Li nkin Park :f).
We hope u enjoy PLOF!'s tribute to Unreal :)
The movie has a length of 13:37 minutes ;) featuring some nice flagruns and lots of frags (mostly CTF but also DM) synchronized with different sorts of music (no Li
We hope u enjoy PLOF!'s tribute to Unreal :)
- Movie File (PLOF! The Movie.avi) 255MB
- (17 clicks)
- (333 clicks)
32240 Hits
[small]oh and XLV went onto win that lavagaint game 3-2 which was probably our greatest victory ever.. hmm.