Posting Pictures on ESReality
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There are three ways in general to upload a picture: as inline image, image or place image. Regular users need to edit their post in order to be able to upload an image.
Inline Img
This will add all images in the upper right corner of your post. The text fits around the images. Multiple images will be added as follows:
This will add a li nk at the bottom of your post referring to the uploaded image. This method also counts the number of downloads.
Place Img
This lets you specifiy the exact position of the image in your post. You can do this by adding a tag like [img1] for your first image. When uploading multiple images you need more tags: [img2], [img3] etc. This gives you best control over where the image is displayed, e.g. within a hide tag:
You can also specify the alignment of the image by writing [img1=center]
(values: center, right, left=default)
Furthermore if you just want to li nk to an image on another website you can either use the URL tag to li nk to this image or use HTML to display it:
the image
the image
To display the image you need to set HTML "Yes" and write:
<img src="">

Note that to post HTML in your comments, you must be at Trusted User level or above!
Inline Img
This will add all images in the upper right corner of your post. The text fits around the images. Multiple images will be added as follows:
This will add a li
Place Img
This lets you specifiy the exact position of the image in your post. You can do this by adding a tag like [img1] for your first image. When uploading multiple images you need more tags: [img2], [img3] etc. This gives you best control over where the image is displayed, e.g. within a hide tag:
You can also specify the alignment of the image by writing [img1=center]
(values: center, right, left=default)
Furthermore if you just want to li
the image
the image
To display the image you need to set HTML "Yes" and write:
<img src="">

Note that to post HTML in your comments, you must be at Trusted User level or above!
Edited by xou at 07:41 CDT, 26 September 2011 - 27386 Hits